I want to stop drinking,but how? and btw im 16?!


I want to stop drinking,but how? and btw im 16?

i really need help whit this

You need to find someone to support you who you trust if you think you have a drinking problem.
You then need to realise that you can have fun without drinking.
try replacing alcohol with something else, maybe you are drinking to keep your hands busy so you don't feel so nervous in social situations, try drinking juice or an energy drink, or even water.
make sure you get your friends to keep you on track when you're out at a party. THe most important thing is that you have support.

good luck!

yea you need to stop drinkin- you are just a baby- i wish i can tell you how to do it- but i cant- im 27- been drinkin since i was about ur age- and my life suxx- u dont wanna be like me- trust me- hangover all the time- thinkin im gonna die all the time- please tell your family about this- or seek help- at school-

....don't stop ....if you are a real wreck get some valium and after a night of boozing pop a few and relax....quitting drinking will make your life miserable....you are young enuf to still be a normal drinker but maybe lay off the binges if that is your behaviour....when you get a bit older maybe you will handle the booze better...

When one starts drinking, it's hard and that's for sure. You need self-discipline. Discipline yourself not to drink and decline when someone offers you alcohol or stuff. The fun way: Replace alcoholic drinks and stuff like that with gassy drinks or fizzy drinks. The fizzier the better! : )

Try to get your friends to do activites which dont involve alcohol more often. For example, go to the cinema, bowling, have a picnic if its nice weather, go to the beach or for a walk in the country, shopping, take up a sport of some sort.

These will fill up your time without tempting you to drink.

If you are finding it really difficult, then ask for help from someone you trust (parent, teacher, family friend or even a helpline).

Oh sweetie... There are a few steps you can take.

If you can talk to your parents, that's great and the best starting point. If not, consider talking to a trusted teacher or counselor at school.

Try to figure out why you drink. Are you doing it alone? Do you tend to drink with friends? Work on surrounding yourself with friends who don't drink and who have a positive outlook.

Many communities offer AA programs.. These are for all people who have problems with alcohol, not simply stereotypical drunks. They can be a wonderful source of support. Look through the phone book or call your local hospital or church and they can help you find a support group.

In short, the best thing to do is enlist outside support of people you can trust.

Please take care of yourself - you've got a whole wonderful future to look forward to and I'm rooting for your success!! Good luck...

Please get help. Talk to your parents if you feel comfortable doing that. If not, talk to your school guidance counselor or a teacher whom you trust. They won't condemn you; they'll help. Also, look in the phone book for any Alcoholics Anonymous or AlaTeen groups that might be in your area. You could also do a search on Google. You can overcome this if you seek help.

We both know you are not going to seek help for this problem. It would corrupt your whole relationship with your family.

If you want you want to quit drinking on your own power, then you must do things for yourself instead of drinking. Reward yourself with activities that are special, and you have forgotten about.

I know the hardest thing in the world to do; is suggest to your friends, that you drink with, is to go out and do something different.

You should not fight this problem alone, but you should fight it regardless; even if your friends don't know that they are helping you.

So go out and do things you all like. As long as it does not include alcohol for you.

If it is a problem for you to say 'no' to your friends, then you should find new ones. Apathy is best in all relationships so you can transition easily. Don't let the people around you take control, you still can command yourself, your desires, your goals.

If you want to quit drinking, then you can.

stop hanging with the people your hanging with for starters

"I want to stop drinking,but how? and btw im 16? i really need help whit this"

Your question is not clear. Do you mean you want to completely stop drinking anything alcoholic at all? If so I would ask you why? Europeans view moderate drinking as a social activity and it is not taboo for minors to partake of a little alcohol. In fact it helps children develop a balanced, well-informed view of the world.

However if you are in fact implying that you wish to stop drinking to excess then your age is irrelevant. Drinking to excess is a Bad Thing for people of any age. Assuming that it is this latter scenario then I would urge you not to put all your trust in the well-meaning suggestions of a bunch of anonymous Yahoo members but instead to contact an organisation that can genuinely help. Namely Alcoholics Anonymous.

They are there to help people who have alcohol problems. They really do know what they are talkng about. And they are, well, anonymous.

Ring them.

I had a friend one time, years ago. her name was Tina. She drank heavily and daily. She started getting sick so she went to see the doctor. She told her if she didn't stop, it would seriously screw with her and would make her worse. But she didn't stop. She kept drinking every day. One day, she felt like total crap, and called a friend to come over and sit with her. Tina was feeling terrible and was getting scared. So the friend went over to Tina's and knocked on the door, but no answer. The friend kept knocking, and finally broke a window to get in. But it was too late. Tina was dead. And the really sad thing was that Tina was very attractive, and only 22 years old.

So keep drinking if you want to end up like my friend Tina.


talk to your parents they'll help you

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