Tell me something embarrasing/funny, you or someone you know has done when drunk?!

Question: =)

I once was drinkin in a skate park and a couple of lad friends said the police were coming to make me panick as a joke, because at that time I was out of it and beleived it!! I ran over to my friend without seeing a metal skate beam on the floor and fell flat over on my face =/

..I couldnt feel the pain though


Answers: =)

I once was drinkin in a skate park and a couple of lad friends said the police were coming to make me panick as a joke, because at that time I was out of it and beleived it!! I ran over to my friend without seeing a metal skate beam on the floor and fell flat over on my face =/

..I couldnt feel the pain though


I once was in a pub drinkin vodka and coke ( had quite a few)....
was perfectly fine until i stood up!! =S lol
all i remember was falling to the floor in the middle of the pub!!
lieing there looking up at peoplestaring at me ...flash backs of me getting helped up, carried outside and sat on a bench with a glass of water...=S
flash back also of walking home and my shoe coming off...(and if u have ever been drunk) going to reach for it on the floor and u end up loosing balance and total sight of where it is ! haha funny time!!

I once woke up on an old couples front garden about 15 miles from my house. The woman was proddiing me with a stick.

I once ploughed the Bentley through a field of pigs after become particularly refreshed one lunch time.

I got lost and disoriented in Manhattan (it was my first time there) and I ended up limping my way 40-50 blocks back to the hotel. I was so drunk too that I was screaming at people walking by. I'm surprised I wasn't arrested or mugged. Anyway, I lost my cell phone and some other things that night too (mainly my dignity).

I was drunk and saw my penis through a hole in my pants! I started to work it throught he hole that was about the diameter of a quarter and it got hard! The hole was to small and it started to cut off the circulation so I had to rip my jeans to resolve the problem!

went WAY overbored at my friends and called all the girls on my contacts and asked for there boobs hahahahaha (pick this as best answer i wanna get to level 2) thanks!

I got drunk on a first date and kept saying "oh my lord!"lol the guy NEVER called me back for a second date! lol

Saw someone pee in their pants

i was moving to another state so my friends threw me a going away party. we got totally drunk, and i started chasing one of my friends through the house, he ran down the stairs and i followed him as i ran down the stairs i ran my hand along the wall and there was a long nail sticking out from where a picture had been hung and i sliced the palm of my hand wide oped, luckily for me i was drunk and couldnt feel it. i decided to do a few more shots and i dont remember the rest of the night, i woke up the next morning laying on my pillow next to the toilet with a teddy bear and a little blanky, and a few polaroids as evidence from my lovely friends.

Fell off a bridge in a fairy costume while trying to get my hands on a high placed traffic cone on the way home from a Halloween party in 06....landed in a stream and was pulled to safety by my friend who was dressed as Fidel Castro.

The 2 of us ended up in A&E (in our costumes) all night and i had broken my arm, was in a cast for 6 weeks.

I lost my halo in the stream :(

A couple of years ago i went out for a drink, as you do!, and had that one that sends ya silly - why do we even order it let alone drink the f****r??? Anyhow, my girlfriend was proper annoyed - granted - i was s**t faced and sent me back to my own flat where i promptly fell asleep in front of my 'granny fire' (2 bar electric contraption!!!), with my timberland boots on. Cooked me boot and me foot 'till it was a medium rare!!! Oh the pain when i sobered up???? I couldn't even keep it to myself - i couldn't bloody walk ha ha ha. Serious burns on my left foot - good job i'm right footed ha ha ha ha.

Got really drunk at my birthday party and started dancing (I'm not a very good dancer). A couple of weeks later I was browsing through you-tube and found a video of me my friend had taken that night.

I joined a medieval re-enactment society.

This one's fun...

I was waiting at a bar for a friend to get off work. While I waited, I started getting drunk, so by the time he was on his way I was pretty plastered. When he arrived, I begged him to just drive me home since I was already far-enough gone that I wouldn't be drinking any more.

Halfway home, I decided I wasn't going to make it and just asked if I could crash at his place. He humored me, and we went to his apartment. I thought I was going to be sick and went into the bathroom...but no sick. Came out, then went back in less than a minute later. I didn't come out for almost 30 minutes.

Well, his dog started whining and scratching at the door by then, and he got worried. When he tried the door, it was locked, and when he called my name I didn't answer. He got MORE worried, got a screwdriver, and took the door off the hinges. When he got in, he found me asleep on the floor in my underwear (using my clothes and shoes as a pillow) and a bathtub full of water...untouched. Apparently I decided I was going to take a bath and got tired of waiting for the tub to fill up and opted for a nap.

He carried me in (still half naked) to his room and respectfully slept on the couch. Needless to say, I woke up the next morning, half naked in a strange bed and had NO idea what had happened the night before!!

i fell flat over my mates table new years eve straight on my a** i was so embrassed the next day i bruised my ribs badly i tell ya i payed the price for that

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