Black out drunk?!

Question: Honestly I can drink about 6 beers and get a buzz on and I am fine. this weekend i went to an open bar concert this is exactly what i drank. 1 heniken and 4 budlights in about a 3 hours span. I became black out drunk and I couldn't handle my self I cannot remeber ne thing. I am 21 years old and I am average weight. I do not take any medicines why would this night be any different than other nights. I can usually drink about 8 draft beers and walk home fine ? Is there something wrong with me now? I wasn't poisoned or given ne thing either. HELP ME should i drink again ?

Answers: Honestly I can drink about 6 beers and get a buzz on and I am fine. this weekend i went to an open bar concert this is exactly what i drank. 1 heniken and 4 budlights in about a 3 hours span. I became black out drunk and I couldn't handle my self I cannot remeber ne thing. I am 21 years old and I am average weight. I do not take any medicines why would this night be any different than other nights. I can usually drink about 8 draft beers and walk home fine ? Is there something wrong with me now? I wasn't poisoned or given ne thing either. HELP ME should i drink again ?

u got drunk from 1 beer and 4 bottles of water? lol shame on u

How do you know something wasn't slipped into one of your drinks?
Instead of figuring out why did this happen, just don't drink that much next time.

it was probably your surroudings..the fact that you were at a concert..probably had your adrenaline going and the fact that you were probably moving around a lot and werent getting enough water..did you eat anything? that could have to do with it too..sometimes those certain aspects can affect your drunk. your fine im sure..just gotta be more careful

Well, I don't drink so I would say, no you shouldn't drink again (!!) but since this is probably not an option for you, PLEASE make sure you see where your drink is coming from and never accept drinks that you can't see being prepared. Keep an eye on your drink at all times. Things can be slipped into your drink easily. If I were you, however, I would cut down on the amount of alcohol you consume in one evening. Good luck.

Were you hanging out with strangers, Did you get home ok, Or anybody know what happened to you....

different days obviously. just because you can drink that much one day doesnt mean you can another day.

Difference in foods eaten if any were eaten. Activity, eating while drinking, temperature.......... etc..........................

NO U SHOULDNT DRINK AGAIN, because obviously your not educated enough about drinking.

I say, quit checking your "Do Not Exceed Limits". But, when I was doing the tavern scene, I was like you described, handling 6 to 8 drafts. Not a big deal. THEN! One nite, I have a couple B-52 coffees and a couple beers... blinko... no memory, woke up next morning goin, huh? My mother used to tell me that I should watch it if I was drinking with men over, like, 50. She had been slipped a 'mickey' by an older gent once. Well, I woke up at the tavern owner's personal home that morning. And guess who wanted to know if I wanted to 'pick up' where we left off last nite, since I'd put him off with that promise... Ack! BALDING! Mom was right... I never expected that from him. Good news to me tho my subconscience is a flippin pitbull! make a note of it ladies....

Sounds like a date rape drug.

sounds like some one spiked your drink. take it easy for a while with the drink.

It is probably because you were in different surroundings than you usually are when you drink. Or maybe you didn't eat much that day. Or maybe you drank much faster than you usually do. Just try to be more careful when you drink, because who knows what can happen when you're blacked out. Bad things.

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