Is Canadian beer really better than American beer?!


Is Canadian beer really better than American beer?

American draft gives me the chilblains in my left frontal lobe and an apoplexy of projectile vomiting the next day.

American microbreweries are changing this. But for a long time, American beer was weak (3%) stuff, horrible, like Budweiser, Miller, and Michelob. Canadian, however, had Molson Export (5%), Labatts (5%) and the inimitable Molson Brador (6% or 6.5%).

We used to go across the border to bring back Canadian beer - twice the strength and much more flavorful.

Nowadays American microbrews are closing the gap.

I would say that Canadian beers are better than the "popular" American beers (Bud, Michelob, Miller, etc.), which someone charitably called as tasteful as panther piss, but that the American microbreweries are now giving the popular Canadian brews a run for their money.

Note: Buying a Canadian brand in America is NOT the same as drinking Canadian beer. For that, you have to go to Canada. The American version of Canadian beer isn't the same.

Yes, except for Sam Adams.


It's the metric thing which makes canadian beers better.

Hands down yes it is!! American beer tastes like it's been watered down.

Maybe your drinking too much...American....BEER! I feel American beer is better

I once heard American beer compared to making love in a canoe...."f888ing close to water."

I just love Molson. I grew up in Detroit. I have several vendors import it for me in Alabama. It's da bomb.

Canadian beer has a much higher alcohol content than American Beer. From there, it's all a matter of taste. :-) Most Canadian beers have a deeper, richer or sharper flavor.

Canadians visiting south of the border comment that American Beer is like yellow colored water. No body, no distinct flavor, etc.

If you want a really nice beer, here in the USA, try Fosters (Australian) or a Corona with a wedge of lime squeezed in. Of course, depending where you live, you can buy Molson's Canadian many places. (Any grocery store in Indiana.)

I'm don't sure on that one but I would love to try canadian beer these not many good american beer unless you goto a micro brewy

I know that Canadian beer is higher in alcohol content as the government doesn't put restrictions on that sort of thing. So the beer is definitely STRONGER.

Yes it's the best beer ever!

Did someone say the government doesn't put restrictions on alcohol content in Canada? That's not true at all! The gvt has their grimey little hands in everything in this country!!

My friend! Beer, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. With the microbreweries we have today, our beer is as good or better than any in the world.

The same is also true of California wine. California produces some of the best wine in the world. This wasn't always a true statement, but it sure is today!

A good rule of thumb is to find the best local beer and drink that, no matter where you live in the world.


Most are, yes.

I don't really know, but I find Molson, Labatt, & Coors all to taste the same; gross and yeasty.

Maybe I'm just not a beer person, cause I think they all taste gross and quite the same in taste(well the ones I tried did).

I don't think Canadian beer is better or worse then American beer, its just a matter of what your taste is I guess(I know alot who say European beer beats the hell out of any other beers around the world, and I also here Corona is better then any North American beers put together); but like I said I don't like beer so....

I live about 25 miles south of Canada and can remember when the Canadians would flock south to drink American beer, especially Coors.
I don't think that Coors is a particularly good beer; maybe they came to the US to drink beer because the grass is greener.
Beer is a matter of personal taste. There's good beer in both countries.

of course

Canadian beer has a stronger taste to it. My Canadian friends tell me that the reason that Canadian beer is stronger is because Canadian women are uglier than American women - I honestly can't say that's true or not.

Although I love a nice cold Labatts or Moosehead everynow and then, American Beer is sustantially better in my opinion. If you are someone who like Mudweiser, or water with attitude coor light, then canadian beer is surely better, however, what in the great white north compares to North Coast brewing Co Red Seal Ale, Brooklyn IPA, Magic Hat, Sierra Nevada, Odell's, Dock Street, Gravity, Anchor Steam...need i say more

Yes it is.I recommend Molson Canadian or Black Ice.

Definitely!! Canadian beers are better than that of the American beers. Ours is stronger for one thing and will not make you sick (unless you"ve drank too much). I've had plenty of Americans at the restaurants I worked at and they said that the Canadian beer was way better tasting, stronger too.

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