How often do you booze it up?!


How often do you booze it up?

i'm 26, and drink pretty much everyday. nothing too excessive during the week, perhaps a beer or 5 or a couple of cocktails on weeknights. on the weekends, it's just like college again. my friends encourage me, and i already don't need encouragement. once i start, i keep going till i pass out. whiskey, jager, we get buck rowdy, then wake up and do it again. i was just curious of the drinking habits of other people close to my age. i'm 26, and a college grad with a 9 to 5er.

I'm 28 and I do tend to drink daily. I have been for about 11 years now. I can definitely detect a decrease in cognitive thinking. Oddly my reflexes got better, (so I don't spill my drinks, etc. LOL) Also the "beer belly" can take it's toll after many years. I've kept mine to a minimum, but every year it's slightly puffier. It's an endless battle, and can affect your relationships/ friendships. Either you enable or just plain out encourage further binge drinking (which is the worst) or a solid relationship can turn sour once they realize your habits. If addictive personalities run in your family like they do mine, be very very careful. every day is on step closer to dependancy.

im 16 and i drink constrantly but i stoped

you're a college fgrad and have a 9-5' the boozin' for the weekend, save your job and your liver/kidneys

I'm 30, work full time, and have 3 kids. I have a drink or two pretty much every night. Last night the drink of choice was Jose Cuervo Black.

I dont drink until i pass out, just bubbly during the week. On the weekends it really just depends on what i am doing. If I am out and about I tend to drink more...

I try and lean back on Sunday so I get up and go to work on time Monday..

Up till I was 26 I was boozing twice a week. And really kicking off all the time!

I'm 27 now and I dont booze often now I've got a baby, but when I do its not worth it. I have no memory of my most recent adventure and wish i'd have stayed at home! What an idiot!

But you, sunshine appear to be an alchoholic. Pack it in for your own sake!

I drink every day probably like a bottle of wine. On the weekends, probably two bottles a night. I don't ever drive, though, having gotten a DUI when I was 26 and (ironically) had drinking habits resembling yours,shots,mixed drinks,etc. Be careful not to get too crazy, if you're passing out from booze then that could develope into a problem, if it's not already.

Once a weekend lately. Soon enough it will slow down to once a month probably?

I'm 28,and I get drunk once every 2 or 3 months.

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