What do you think of ALCOHOLIC'S???!

Question: Would you date one?

Answers: Would you date one?

TROUBLE! Thats what alcoholism is for all their sober friends,they will continue their drinking because it allows them to escape from all responsibility.I have watched to many lives destroyed to ever condone it. My sister worked 18 years at a detox facility in that time she had one success story in helping an alcoholic get sober and stay that way. Alcoholic's do have addictive personality disorder, alcohol is just the drug they choose to use because they rationalize it is legal unlike other drugs

Everyone should own one or two!

No I certainly would not. They mess up their own lives and everyone elses lives around them.

my dads a alcholic... so i...dunno depends on if here a mean drunk

I have been involved with one, and the answer is no I wouldn't ever do that again.

Never. they will cheat and blame it on the alcohol. Plus they are retarded.

not in a million years

Alcoholics are OK. Only date if they are in a recovery program with at least 1 year of sobriety.

I don't believe that Alcoholism is a disease, as most would claim. Thats just an excuse to avoid responsibility for their drinking. Cancer and other things are diseases.

And no, I wouldn't date one, because you would always come second to drink. Plus all the hassle and trouble associated with being an alcoholic.

BUT.....I would try and help someone who is an alcoholic - I'm not completely horrible! lol

me has dated only one alcoholic and she was pissy one should of dated the happy ones they are ones too date :>)

Umm... No? My father is an alcoholic, and my mother is one also. They get weird, my father is a diabetic. He is a depressing person, and i can't realy communicate with him. My mom is just annoying when she's drunk and hungover otherwise... It becomes a problem and dating one would become a serious daily problem, then you get stuck w him/her and you feel obligated to help. Lovely

NO they are seriously nuts and everyone should stay out of their way

Absolutely NOT! They have "Problems" written all over them. They Lie ,Cheat and Steal !!! You will never come First. Their bottle will!

I rent houses, and I'd never knowingly rent to a drunk. They're the most worthless people on the planet. On the other hand, drunks who go to AA are pretty good people. I rent to those people quite a lot. I've often marveled at how they can turn their lives around and be helpful, nice, dependable people.

Booze is really something. I can see why those old ladies wanted to outlaw it back in 1919. It was a bad idea, but I can see their point.

I don't know any alcoholics. There are none at my local pub--I guess they've all gone to meetings.

I think they are in pain.....Alcoholism is a disease........It's an out of control disease......just like being addicted to drugs.....
You want to stop, but the disease has such a control over you that you can't stop on your own without some kind of intervention.......
I have known several people with this disease.....A couple of people, relatives from my family......One of them commited suicide because he was so lonely, tired, in pain, angry, not able to cope with certain things in his life.......Especially not being able to quit drinking....It got the best of him.........He wasn't even 50 years old yet............I miss you ........

If he's in recovery, yes. If not, it's not worth the drama.

I have dated them in the past. The only ones tolerable were the functioning ones. (sober at least 50% of the time, hold a job, aren't in trouble financially or with the courts)

Don't have a problem with them if i would date one don't know but why not there's a lot of things to experience in life, and why not , just think about it you can pass all this experience on to others

My own opinion of them is better left unsaid. And no, I wouldn't date one.

I think "ALCOHOLIC'S" can be pretty fun unless they're seriously addicted and only think and talk about drinking. Being an alcoholic doesn't mean they are the scum of the Earth, it just means they have a problem.
If I found someone I liked who turned out to be an alcoholic, I wouldn't refuse to go out with them only because they are an alcoholic. You never know, you could be doing God's work by dating them and possibly helping them change in the long run.

According to research, an alcoholic has several "definitions": you could have a drink every day---just one---and you are considered to be an alcoholic, you could just partake on the weekends only and be considered one, or have a few almost every day and/or other day, etc...

If I had to "define" myself, I am a "functioning alcoholic". I never miss work and/or call in sick, the bills get paid first and on time, the kids have their necessities and a few luxuries, and when I have some money left over to go "play", I do. I work hard and play hard. I'm not only an alcoholic but a workaholic too and have no problem dating people that are the same as me.

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