Better on the rocks?!


Better on the rocks?

Do you prefer liquior on the rocks or just out of the bottle?
is liquior better cold?

on the rocks for sure! cold is better for most. I keep the kinds I like in the freezer

I prefer most liquor cold because it doesn't taste as nasty. Most are generally served room temperature though like brandys/cognacs. It's mainly because they were meant to be sipped rather than chugged or shot.

COLD!!!! But I prefer mine mixed with something, not straight. I like to keep my tequila in the freezer.

Cold is better for sure

On the rocks all the way for most kinds of liquor. With the exception of wine, beer, and tequila.

Definelty on the rocks.

I do prefer my drinks on the rocks takes a bit of the edge off but some ppl do like to have their drinks neat "with out ice" I think it depends on what you are drinking I do drink lots of vodka so if not with ice then at least chilled.

I like mine mixed and on the rocks. So, since I drink it on the rocks with a cold mix usually I would say it is better cold!

The Rocks Bro!

I think it depends on what you're drinking, I prefer most of my liquor mixed or on the rocks, and most of the time, unless it's wine or beer, I keep the good stuff in the freezer.
But it's all a matter of preference, so in the end it's all up to you.

COLD!!!!! R you new @ Drinking???

most people prefer on the rocks, b/c they don't want to taste the alcohol. the proper way is straight up b/c the real flavors are released. and like, with scotch, the proper thing to do is add a few drops of water only. it opens up the flavor and body of the scotch.

Are you guys crazy!?!? You drink that sh!t straight outta the bottle!! Who has time to put it in the freezer and let it chill, I want that sh!t as soon as i get it through the door! And if you put ice in it, the ice melts and waters your drink down...ugh!!

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