People who refuse to drink tap water?!

Question: There was a programe on about this the other week, panorama. Who do they think they are and why do they think tap water is not good enough for them? do they not know there are millions of people who have to drink water with worms and dirt in it, i think these people should have to drink their own piss and see if thats good enough for them

Answers: There was a programe on about this the other week, panorama. Who do they think they are and why do they think tap water is not good enough for them? do they not know there are millions of people who have to drink water with worms and dirt in it, i think these people should have to drink their own piss and see if thats good enough for them

Completely agree. Posh gits who don't appreciate what they've got.xx


I agree, plus everyone's going through 2 or 3 plastic bottles a day. JUST REFILL, PEOPLE.

Come on, that's a bit extreme. So what? There are much worse crimes in this world.

piss is too good for them...well mine is...cos its not been filtered through a friggin volcano

Theres nothing wrong with tap water - we're very lucky it's cleaned for us before consumption

im fine with tap water, i dont prefer it, but hey, spring water and tap water taste diffrent, strangely.

Us Mexicans drink bottled water our tap water is full of chemicals.You sound a bit cranky.

BARTENDER!!!!!!!!! Drinks for everyone!

Fish have sex in it!

But yes i see your point, They are selfish to the more unfortunate people in this very large world

I keep a huge Deer Park water bottle in my fridge. It actually contained Deer Park water.... at one point. Now I just refill it with tap water.

I think part of the problem people have with tap water, is that it isn't cold enough for them. Even adding ice doesn't help. A bottle of water from the fridge will be nice and cold, and therefore, is better, in their estimation.

My 15 year old likes to grab a bottle on her way out to catch the bus. It's the one thing she's allowed to carry into school without a teacher or the principal screaming.

80% of bottled water is actually tap water

We have a jug water filter, it`s a lot cheaper than buying bottle water. Sometimes I drink it from the tap

Yep, I think Tap water is brill .

I only drink water i dont like fizzy or flavoured drinks. I taste the difference between bottled and tap water, however i have no problem in drinking it and i frequently drink it, more often than bottled actually.

agreed. i drink tap water all the time. it's fine. $1+ for a bottle of water is ridiculous.

Municipal tap water is actually cleaner than that stuff you get in bottles. The only problem I find is it smells too much of chlorine which is why I use a filter to get rid of the smell and taste.

I have tap water and the other kind of water in my house. I don't care, and all of my family doesn't care about drinking tap water, it's fine... Some of us choose not to drink it though.

We should be happy with what we have, and we happen to have another kind of water. It's not like tap water isn't good enough, because it is.

Overall, I don't "refuse" to drink tap water, I just don't like it.

You are out of line. Phobias are very real and hard to live with in some cases. Some tap water is hardly fit for consumption. Lastly, people in the United States of America have a right to personal preferences. It seems silly to me, but it is their right to refuse to drink tap water. I refuse to drink beer. You refuse some stuff that's otherwise perfectly good.

I don't refuse to drink it. I only refuse to drink it unfiltered.hate the smell of chlorine. Also, I really don't know what roaches had been crawling in those pipes:))

Well...Why is this your problem? There are many countries on our planet where the tap water is not drinkable...If you go to Thailand or Cambodia for instance you will see 'don't drink tap water' signs at hotels.It is basically not clean enough and may cause many diseases.Here in my city(Istanbul) till few years ago the tap water was not drinkable.But then they renovated the infrastracture and all and announced that the tap water of the city is now of premium quality for drinking.But since people were so used to not to drink it I don't know anyone who drinks it.Other than that even though the water may be clean many buildings have water tanks and once upon a time I had seen an advertisment of a water tank cleaning company showing what they had found in some of the water tanks they cleaned up.From dead cats to giant insects it was all there!...Ofcourse we can't know under what conditions 'natural drinking waters' are bottled up but you's just a matter of habituation...

My tap water doesn't taste very good.

I'll drink it filtered, but I still prefer carbonated or flavoured water.

That's too bad that millions of people have to drink water with worms and dirt, but that has nothing to do with me. Millions of people also don't have access to basic medical care - does that mean I shouldn't go to the doctor? Millions of people can't afford computers - does that mean that you should get rid of yours (loaded question)?

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