Whats the funniest thing youve done when drunk?!

Question: This wasnt me..but it was a friend..we were in my mates basement and she found a pair of goggles put them on and started swimming round like a fish singing some song she made up hahaha.

This other time these two guys (ok they were stoned..but still) they started getting paranoid because we were in the park in the dark and they kept seeing this 'shadow' that bounced up and down lmao. They were holding onto each other hahaha and called him 'banana man' LMFAO!!

Answers: This wasnt me..but it was a friend..we were in my mates basement and she found a pair of goggles put them on and started swimming round like a fish singing some song she made up hahaha.

This other time these two guys (ok they were stoned..but still) they started getting paranoid because we were in the park in the dark and they kept seeing this 'shadow' that bounced up and down lmao. They were holding onto each other hahaha and called him 'banana man' LMFAO!!

ther are many, i shall list a few:

I drunk Miracle Gro (plant food) in a mix of fairy liquid, home brewed wine and beer

I drove a tractor around a field

I kissed a bouncer :-/ and a teacher :-O

I obtained someones old pushchair raincover and wore it as a portable tent all the way home

I did a rolly polly in a club....right in the middle

I asked a bouncer if he was gay.....he has a grudge now :-/

I walked into a room that turned out was my mates 21st birthday party before it had started where the family were all chatting quietly and was too busy staring at the glasses on a table and was talking loudly about how I nearly wet myself on the journey here, I turned and saw about 30 people were staring at me

I did actually have a little accident once....I can't believe I just said that

I gatecrashed a party in a pub and got a drink from the free bar whilst reading a newspaper I found on the floor

My friend and I were walking home after clubbing everytime a car went by I froze in a funny position and my mate froze with his cone on his head kneeling on the ground, I turned and saw the car had stopped and it turned out it was the police, I said "It's the police!!" He slowly put the cone down and I slowly stood, we then walked away sensibly and the police said on their radio "don't worry just a couple of pissheads"

There are many more silly things I have done but I can't remember....oh I remember eating a bowl of salad in my mates garden with my friend, we sat on the floor down next to their side gate :-)

lol well i often wonder wat its like to watch me drunk, i might set up a camera one time Report It

Weeza's Avatar Weeza
sum ppl actually give negative votes.....how stupid, i was listin the random things i did wen i was drunk, how can that upset or insult anyone....unless it was the gay bouncer that neg voted me lol HAHAHAHA ..... HA Report It

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  • morshock's Avatar by morshock
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  • i was working in oxford and ended up on a train back to newcastle after having one too many drinks instead of just getting a taxi back to my digs. not that funny at the time but can laugh now.

    in my younger days gettin drunk in parks about 15-16 with my mates, there was this really snotty woman who lived up the street wheo knicked my 5 yr old cousins football, we decided to do knock a door run at her house. the thing is i was so drunk i frgot to run and when she started to run towards me i ran straight into a massive bush n nearly knocked myself out. she helped me out the bush lol n dragged me to my mums ahh the shame! all my mates witnessed it

    Oh dear. I would rather not think about it! :(

    One night, a few years ago, I was in Hershey, with a couple of friends. My friend kept pouring his wife and I glass after glass of wine.

    Well.. I don't know what possessed me, but I started asking them all kinds of questions. The first question was "Do you like ketchup with your french fries?". Well... I meant the OTHER meaning for that, ya know? But they didn't get it. So... I had to explain what it meant.

    Well, he turned beet root, and she and I started laughing hysterically. Finally, this one man popped his head out of his room (we were at a bed and breakfast) and said "Look... will one of you LADIES please do him? Either that or I will... anything to get some sleep!"

    My friend ran up the steps to his room. His wife and I finished our wine, and followed him up. We couldn't stop laughing, it was so funny. He, however, failed to see the humor in it, at the time.

    Now he thinks it's hysterical, but he still doesn't want to go to a bed and breakfast with his wife and me, ever again. lol

    Throw up on a friend because I thought he was placing a bucket under my head. It was a blanket.

    I have a habit of totally making an @ss of myself whether it be chatting barmaids up with the stupidest of chat up lines or telling people who work in kebab shops and chippys that I wanna sleep with there daughter its so unlike me but so funny when I'm told. I also have a habit of ringing people in my mobile phone book and telling them I love them.

    spoke languages that I cannot speak sober

    i had a poo out my bedroom window

    The obvious answer is 'I can't remember.'
    I do remember one Friday night I arranged to stay at a school friend's house. We smuggled my boyfriend in. Her bedroom was on the third floor of one of those typical Edwardian town houses. She wanted me and my boy friend to have sex. I said, 'Put out the light,' and she said, 'Have sex and then I'll put out the light.'
    So we did, and she did. The next morning we smuggled him out of the house. At breakfast, her father said, 'What on earth were you doing last night? It sounded like a rugby scrum.'
    When we met up sometime later, my boyfriend told us he had spent the time by walking into the local hospital and had taken a shower.

    Lol I remember being in a club with the girls and there was a winding staircase and on the way up there was some sort of arty farty display but it had holes in the bottom so me and a couple of the girls used to climb through the holes and as people were walking upstairs we used to make noises and scare the life out of them or make noises as though we were making out to see people's faces - that was until someone told the bouncers someone was making out on the stairs and we all climbed out on our hands and knees to 3 big bouncers laughing their heads off at us.....

    At the same club my friends dared me to slide down the bannister to the bottom but as I was so drunk I fell off before getting there and when I tried again I stayed on but was going too fast and fell off at the bottom with my skirt up around my waist and my legs in the air - not a pretty sight but yeah we have had some laughs.....

    Another one before I go - after being clubbing one night we were on our way to get some food and my me and my friend were desperate to go to the loo so we both agreed to climb over a railing and pee in the corners of the shop doorway - this shop was quite a posh one and anyway we were mid flow when a security guard who was laughing his head off knocked the door and pointed up to the CCTV camera that was staring us both in the ..............well let's just say not the face lol

    Fell asleep on top of my parents car. OoOo they were maaaaad the next morning.

    Good times.

    I normally fell into sleep. I wouldn't know if I did anything funny or silly as I would have been too drunk to know.

    One time around Christmas I got really hammered and thought it would be a good idea to go outside and make snow angels. I was on the ground, making the snow angels when the intoxication took over and I threw up all over myself. I looked up, face covered in puke, and saw some of my neighbors staring at me.

    The next day I go out to my car to get something and I slip and fall on the ice. I'm all sprawled out on my back and when I get up, I see the neighbors from the day before right there staring at me. I said "I'm not drunk this time, I promise" to which they replied "Yeah right you lush."

    They ended up complaining to the apartment manager about it too.

    I don't remember!

    I was sitting on the arm of my couch removing my heels when I fell behind the couch I was so drunk I didn't know where I was all I could see was walls I started screaming my boyfriend came running in and looked down at me and started laughing he helped me up I passed out the next day I was so embarrassed when he told me what happened

    The other week ended up in charge of my daughters fella! she,d left him for the night cos he was so drunk! anyway up our local pub he was in a right state and getting stroppy with funny looking little bald man with sticky out ears! To try and divert attention from the baldy man I said to Luke have you seen the new Shreck film with the 3 baby shrecks in? To which he replied loud as anything looking straight at the baldy man
    Hey Shreck Shreck yes you fu.....g shreck f..k off! the baldy man was mortified and I could have killed Luke but had to hide my sniggers at the same time cos the baldy man was indeed the image of shreck! Quite clever for Luke to realise this when so slaughtered ay?

    I had slipped out the barstool like I was liquid and that has happened a couple of times not just once and also I was just standing straight up and all of a sudden I fell down on my ***.

    Ran around a friends house in my underwear

    While out eating breakfast late in the morning I asked the guy sitting behind me if he was gonna pay for my meal

    Nothing is funny when done by a drunk. Just stupid. You would know this if you ever knew an habitual drunk

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