How much should you eat before drinking if you want to get wasted?!

Question: I think i ate too much last weekend and tahts why i didnt feel it that much..

Answers: I think i ate too much last weekend and tahts why i didnt feel it that much..

Well the less in your stomach the drunker you will be and you wont even have to drink much. But the more food in there soaks up the alcahol! So go figure!

hmm.. never had that problem i have been to full that i could not drink? How old are you it sounds like you do not need to be drinking anyway!!

If you want to get wasted, what's the point of eating anything?

dont eat anything and drink alot and u get ****** up real easy

I always suggest grazing throughout the drinking experience. That way you don't have anything heavy in your stomach, but you have enough in your stomach to prevent you from being completly sick the next day

Eat a piece of bread and go get drunk. Eat after your drunk, a jug of water, and a carne asada burrito

wait till you get wasted then eat, food allways tastes better when you are drunk any ways,food will slow down the absorbsion of the alcohol so if you eat first your going to have to drink twice as much to feel the affects of the acohol.

i usually eat while im drunk...lot easier that way haha

INSTEAD OF ASKING SUCH A SAD QUESTION, ASK WHAT YOUR TRYING TO DRINK AWAY IN YOUR LIFE. Drinking leads to more drinking.. Drinking leads to smoking which leads to drugs. Stop now my friend. Been there for 40 years,nothing gets better, believe me.I'm just waiting to die,blew everything that was good in my life,

How sad, your question says alot about your character and your drinking for the wrong reasons. Alcohol is like a wild dog and it sounds like your getting ready to get bitten.

Ha Ha I feel you. If you really want to get wasted don't eat anything. You will get hammered, and fast. But your chance of getting sick is higher. If you want to get drunk fast I suggest not eating before you start drinking but then after you have had a couple of drinks start munching, you will already be drunk and it will prevent you from getting sick.

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