How do you know when you are no legal to drive?!


How do you know when you are no legal to drive?

I would like to know what is consider to drunk to drive?

In my state, the law states .08 blood level but when you are at a bar, how will you know whether you have reached to that level?

A day ago, I was drinking at a bar, I had couple drinks and when I stand up, i was unable to stand still, ( I tried to walk a straight line, but i went off the line)

Eventhough, I was a little tippy but I was in control of my mind.

I was able to be aware of my surrendings; and behaved as offi don't have any drinks.


If you can't walk a straight line then its probably wise NOT to drive. Even though you were in total control of your mind you weren't in total control of your body.

I'm a firm believer in the adage "if you have to think about it". Seriously if you think you may be too drunk to drive, you should probably call a cab.

Man, you can hardly write right, let alone drive when under the influence. You may think you are sharp as a nail for driving after a few drinks, the truth is your reflexes are not. And another problem is that drunks never know when they are too drunk to drive, it seems drinking only compounds their superman ego.
Were you drunk when you typed this question in?

That is what all the people that got involved in accidents think.

hmm in my state you`r busted and the cops will take away your license if you have over 0.01 according to the new law wich is a great thing i think because there will be less drunk driving accidents in the future (if you used to drink alcohol when driving or before driving i must say you r iresponsable and in this way you put your life and other ppls lifes at risk) drunk ppl have slower eflexes they r usually aware of the surrounding but when trippy it means not 100% aware of whats going on ,and slow reflex and awarness when driving = crashing .... i say lay of the drinks when you have to ride with your car

if you cant even stand up straight then i'd say you're above the legal limit. And if you cant walk a straight line then if you get busted by the cops you'll definately be going to jail so that right there means you shouldn't attempt to drive. You just think you are well aware of your surroundings

OMG! I can't believe so many of you are so stupid about drunk driving! C'mon, think about it, you drank three shots and now you wanna drive....DON"T! Even if you are able to drive without killing someone, get pulled over and get a DWI one time and I guarantee you will never do it again.

You can buy a personal breathalizer. I had 6 beers and drove about 4 hours after that and got pulled over. I could not walk a straight line so the cop took me in. At the station I blew a .052 so they let me go. The limit in my state is .08.

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