Question about wine brewing?!
Answers: for my scicence project at school we are going to make some wine. we plan to measure alcochol content, taste, and if we can, calories and sulfite content. any idea how to do that? if this were your experimetn,w hat woudl you measure? thanks
You can do the alcohol with a hydrometer. You measure density before it ferments and after and you can do the math. That will also let you know how much residual sugar you have.
The only sulfides are added. So most home made wine doesn't have them. That is part of the draw.
Calories are run in a bomb calorimeter. That is actually fairly hard to run, and could be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. I did this first in my junior year working on a chem degree.
You don't brew wine. You brew beer. Wine ferments.
Google wine making for more info.