I dont like beer but if i keep drinking it will i begin to like it?!


I dont like beer but if i keep drinking it will i begin to like it?

You need to broaden you horizons. You are most likely drinking bad beer. There's a LOT of different styles out there. Don't let people who drink bad beer tell you what good beer is. If they knew what good beer was they wouldn't be drinking crap. Try a lot of different stuff until you find something you like. Convenience stores or gas stations most likely won't have anything good.

Try a Belgian Lambic like Lindermans. Most people who claim to not like beer love this stuff. Another couple good "starter beers" are Hoegaarden, a Belgian witbier, or Newcastle, an English Brown Ale. I don't even like Newcastle anymore, but it was the beer that taught me there was good beer out there.

And that guy above me doesn't know what he's talking about. He's probably really young and hasn't been exposed to the good stuff yet.

I've heard from my hubby that it is an "aquired" taste, so its possible

No, but you wont make that bitter beer face!!! My dad says he likes it but he makes the face, so go figure!!

Yes. You can train yourself to like beer, just like liver. The problem with beer is that NO ONE drinks it for the taste, they drink for the buzz. Be smart, and drink hard liquor. Get it over with quickly, and know your limit. That is the point where you have complete control, and you feel comfortable, no near vomitting moment here.

i dodn't like beer either, but now i love it... you get used to it, but you don't have to :)

actually, the same happened to me with olives. i hated them until i tried one with martini.... i loooooooooooove olives.

For some people beer is an aquired taste... others will never take a liking to it. there are other options you can try while enjoying a few drinks with your friends. Vodka based mixed drinks like screw drivers (vodka oj) bloody marys, or vodka cranberry juice are usually well tolerated by most people.

You may just be lucky that you don't like beer, it is full of wasted calories and carbs.

It took me SEVERAL beers to eventually get to the point where I enjoyed the taster, rahter than choking them down to "look good". So there is hope, but it just takes a lot of forced beer drinking, and what helped me was eating food when I drank.


Some people put seven-up or sprite into the beer to create a beer spritzer, or tomato juice, there are several ways to drink beer, if you don't like it now you may acquire a taste for it later.

There are plenty of different beers out there mate and if you dont like the one you tried, try another - I suggest coopers pale ale (on tap) or steinlager from N.Z., steer clear of corona and heineken, both are below par. And never, ever drink Fosters it may be the beer thats taken us all around the world but its also the beer that no Aussie in their right mind drinks

Indeed. It is quite possible you will acquire a taste for it. I can't think of anybody that liked beer the first time they tried it. But they all love it now. Seriously, if you don't like it, why bother? Beer (and all alcohol) is bad. If for some reason, you want to become a beer fan, try spending a couple of extra dollars... most cheap "popular" beer is garbage. I'd suggest light beer (mic. light is always a favorite), and the colder the better, but not knowing why you don't like it, I can't help anymore.

“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
---Ben Franklin

i don't like beer...but i drink it after a heavy liquor drinking.....but i don't know if you know this....beer is better than liquor.....because liquor goes to the liver....beer stays in the stomach

Hi bjp, If you don't like it why are you drinking it??? Beer will in the long run put pounds of weight on your stomach,thigh. Don't force yourself to drink anything you don't like..
A Friend.

I used to HATE beer. I thought it was disgusting. Tasted it in university, thought it was horrid. Didn't touch it for years, then one day about two years ago, I tasted it and thought it was fantastic. No idea why, but I won't question it. Could also be that in university I tried Corona, which I still hate, and when I tried it again I had a quality white wheat ale. Also, Lambics are a great first step, then dry fruit ales (I had a raspberry wheat ale recently. Not sweet, but it tasted like happiness), then wheat ales. Most commercial beers (Bud, Coors,etc) are GARBAGE, so don't worry, you're not missing anything there. They're watery, bitter, and poorly made. You could always try a Beers of the World tour, or a sampler at a good bar and see what you like.

And don't worry, not everyone likes beer; my husband thinks it's repulsive.

ha, looks like I am not the only one who once stayed away from beer because of its taste... now I can say I do like it and would never refuse a beer offered!

yes...if not mix it with jamaican ginger beer ( 5 parts beer/ 1 part ginger beer ) and try that - tasty ( some ice too!!!)

It is an acquired taste very much so. I used to hate beer. Then my buddies got me out on a quarter a pitcher night at a bar on campus. After getting some does I got that "buzz". I did this a few more times and I found that I could stand to drink it. Now I have a taste for many different beers (and the ones I began drinking I now hate)
So, I guess the story is try to get a buzz off it a few times (or feel free to get drunk) After so many you stop tasting it. I've since moved from Natural Light to Guinness.

I hated beer when I first strated drinking it...Now thats all I drink. Try good beers like Samuel Adams.

Haha, I like Retodd's reply, Lindemans does have some friendly tasting beers. Only problem is you will spend $125 on a case, or $12 a pint and the few Belgian/German pubs that will stock it. If you find a bar that will do it, I suggest a pitcher 3/4 full of a cheap light beer, such as Pabst Blue Ribbon or Miller Light, and top it off with Lindeman's Framboise. Probably will run you about $10 for a pitcher and you can share it with friends.

Also, beer is an acquired taste to some people, but those people never really enjoy good beer. Dont take beer advice from someone who stock Bud Light and MGD in their house...that isnt beer.

I suggest looking into your local MicroBrew markets. In the NE I suggest beers from Victory, DogFishHead, Flying Fish, Magic Hat, Yards, or Brookyln. In the midwest, I liked a lot of stuff from New Belgium in Colorado...on the west coast, Anchor Steam, Rogue

Once you are drunk you won't taste it anymore.

After you do it a while you will get used to it, but it never really starts to taste good.

I used to hate beer, but now I love it. The only thing I did was to get really buzzed off of it one night when I was, say, about 14. I have loves it ever since. Just drink you about 3 or 4 full ones in the period of about 2 hours, and you'll probably like it. And, yes, it is an acquired taste.

try bud light its good

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