First time drinking, Need advice.?!


First time drinking, Need advice.?

I'm going to be drinking alcohol for my first time tomorrow with a couple other people. I guess I should take it easier then the other two people since they have drinken before multiple times, I haven't. Anything else I really need to know? besides don't drive, which I won't be doing. Walking back, I only live a few minutes away.

Firstly, I am assuming you are legally allowed to drink. This information is not to be used to encourage underage drinkers to drink. Make sure you eat a proper meal before you go. It helps absorb some of the alcohol. Drink slowly. Try to gauge your state of mind after each half drink. Hopefully you will be able to recognise the signs and lay off before you get drunk. Space your drinks by having an equal amount of water in between, this helps you stay more in control, and also helps with hang overs as 90% of a hang over is dehydration. Make sure you trust the people you will be with (know they won't hurt you or shave your eyebrows off if you pass out). Try to make sure there is a responsible person there who will not be drinking who can stop the rest of you getting into trouble. Make sure your parents know where you are.

A good alternative, drink milk :) Much less of a hangover!

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Other than that, have fun!

don't drink too much or you will feel like sh*t in the morning...

Mix beer with vodka.

Plan ahead at what time your leaving or going to lay off for a bit. If your are going to work tomorrow ask a veteran if something will give you a hell of a hangover (Anything that smells of petrol).

Make sure you have a good hearty meal before hand ( not fast food!!) ANd drink plenty of water!!!

i hope u r above 16 at least!
if so,then go ahead.
advise?........don't drink more than u can handle...thats ganna be very little compared to non-1st-timers!!trust me.and dont try to show off that u can handle it k
all the best

For first timers, i suggest you to take 1 tablespoon of olive oil 30 minutes before drinking, this olive oil will prevent you to get drunk...tipsy yes, but not drunk. If you are planning to drink alot i suggest wth 2 table spoons...

Dont mix beers and liquers and wine...drink one type and continue....well, mixing with 1 glass of beer wont hurt...

have a good meal dont drink too fast and have a glass of water after 2 alcoholic drinks and you will be fine and also wake up feeling better then everyone else

I would advise you to stick to beer or wine. Hard liquor and mixed drinks will hit you faster and are much more likely to make you sick. Also, don't be an idiot.... take it easy. I would not drink more than 3 beers. Remember, alcohol impairs your judgment, so make sure you have friends that will watch your back for you.

Drink slowly and limit yourself to a max of 4 drinks. A social drinker is better company than a falling down drunk.

if under 16 stick to wine coolers if between 16 - 18 no more than 3 drinks please if 18 and older dont mix hard liquor with beer

Stick with just beer, dont try to impress by over-doing it. You'll find your limits.

1. Mix the alcohol with some other beverage (juice, soda, mineral water) to make it easier to pass. 1/4 alcohol to 3/4 of anything else.
2. Don't mix more than 2 types of alcohol. Tequila+Whiskey is a big no-no for a newbie.
3. Eat lightly before or during. Don't go crazy or it'll come back to haunt you.
4. If buzzed by the end of the night, drink at least 3 glasses of water before going to bed to avoid a hang over (at least it won't be as strong the next day).
5. Sleep sideways of face down. Never sleep face up after drinking (doing so will make the world spin horribly and make you puke).

Have fun, be careful, remember moderation and good manners (remember to use the toilet and aim correctly).

ha ha

dont be sick

eat a big meal before you start drinking. stable your belly.

u seem to be pretty intelligent by this question because taking advice is very good idea.........
u have water ...
don't drink too much...
ask ur friends also to do so
..& ofcorse have fun but don't get used to it

You've got it. Moderation is the key. And don't drink on an empty stomach.

Booze it up

Take a measure of Baileys and pour in a measure of port.

Its called a "Gorilla Snot"

Drinking alcohol is not a big deal. At least, it's not for me. The problem is that it's illegal to drink if you're under 21 in the US, and that's why many people think drinking is something bad. Actually, children should learn how to drink properly, so they can enjoy alcohol. Just eat before you start drinking and drink some fresh lemon juice (it prevents from hang over) along with your alcohol. And don't worry what happens next, you'll be alright!

What will you be drinking? Beer or Liquor another good tip is do NOT mix beers alcohols, example if your drinking beer only drink that brand of beer all night same with alcohol...If you start with vodka stick with vodka. Mixing will make you puke your first time drinking. Other than that only have a couple drinks and have fun.

Simple Rules.

1) take it slow, don't try and hang with the big dogs, you'll end up on the floor.
2) try sticking to one type of alcohol.
3) after each alcoholic beverage, have a non alcoholic beverage
4) don't fall into pressure, if youve had enough, don't drink anymore, if they try and make you chug say no, if they call you a ***** because your drinking a soda or a glass of water, let them talk all they want.

whatever you do, dont end up in the hospital.

I hope that you are legal to drink. First make sure you are with people that you trust. Don't leave your drink unattended, someone could put something in your drink. Don't mix drinks. Start with 1 to 3 drinks, depending on size and sex, female seem to be affected quicker. Don't try to keep up with others, not everyone can drink the same amount.

when you get home have 2 big glasses of milk it will coat your stomach and you wont get a hangover

Eat a good meal before you start drinking. Pop a couple of Tylenol with 3 or 4 glasses of water. Then when you get home, make sure you drink LOTS of water before going to bed...this will head off the hangover.

try and stick to beer most of the night and stay away from shots. when u get home drink as much water as you can, this is the best way to avoid hangovers, i do it all the time

Honey best thing for you to do since your new at drinking is eat a really good meal I mean really good if not you'll make yourself badly sick! when you start drinking drink 1 beer (tall boy) and 2 glasses water. This keeps you hydrated. Don't drink to fast makes you drink faster LOL. Don't touch the hard stuff yet LOL and if you wanna good suggestion for a drink try a "Buttery Nipple" it is the BOMB!!!! It is half a shot glass of butter scotch Schnapps and the other half Irish Cream. GOOD STUFF lol good luck

Eat a big meal before you go drinking, and if you plan on getting drunk than I would have water in between drinks, maybe even eat some bread to soak up the alcohol in your stomach.

Once your face gets numb or your vison is like seeing through a fish bowl, you are drunk and should be able to stop and not get a hangover the next day. If you keep going after that though, it will suck in the morning.

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