How bad is it to drink beer with a meal?!


How bad is it to drink beer with a meal?

I know that alcohol slows down digestion, or something like that. My friend, who drinks heavily, always trips out when I drink a beer or two with a meal. Is it really that bad for your body, or just some drunken bs?

I do not drink beer, but my hubby does! If he drinks beer with his dinner he ends up bloated, gases and feels like sh*t for hours! He too is a heavy drinker, and knowes each time it is a mistake to mix the two together! Why I do not know the reason but this is how it is for him!

I would change to a new friend or even eat on your own in peace!

Bad, if the meal is a bottle of tequila...

Is it ever bad to drink beer??

Beer is great with food. British cuisine is dominated by pub grub.

The answer would depend on the person's health (if they have kidney stones or are on certain medications a beer might not be a good idea at all); but, generally one of two beers with a meal would bot cause a health issue.

Be mindful of DUI laws and the time it takes the body to process alcohol.

I think that's backward-eating before consuming alcohol slows the absorption of the alcohol so it doesn't affect you as much.
Actually, drinking good beer with a meal is quite delightful and not harmful at all in moderation.

depends on what your eating.

Alcohol is not good for the body. However there have been recent studies that it helps fight heart disease. This coincides with the theory of the French who drink a glass of wine with dinner. They seem to have healthier hearts on average than Americans. It really hurts if you don't watch your calories and get that beer gut. If you get a beer gut then your body will suffer especially your heart. Drinking needs to be done in moderation. Two beers a night can catch up to you if you do not eat healthy and exercise.

I went through a spell years ago that if I tried to eat while drinking, it would kill my buzz. So I wouldn't eat. That's the only bad thing that I've ever noticed about mixing food and beer. Thank God that little spell didn't last long. So, with that being said, would you please pass me a Bud Light? I think it would go well with my eggs and bacon this morning. Thanks.


Barring suggestions from a. the teatotallers
and b. people who can drink like a whole
case in one daggone night, my answer is at
least an answer to "the question".

Beer with a meal is good for food digestion.
I don't why, but it is. Also, it is better
for you in the long run to eat something
with the beer anyway. Food soaks up the
beer and the alcohol in the beer.


I usually have a beer when I go out to dinner...I dont think its bad.

Actually, beer is good for you. It has a low alcohol percentage, and is full of water and vitamin B complex. So, why waiting? Just go and fill your cup with this golden nectar.

drunken bs a beer is not bad 24 is

It's drunken BS. The food slows down the absorption of the alcohol. Drinking beer with a meal will generally make you full faster so you eat less. If it was bad for your body I'd be dead already. I drink beer with dinner almost every day. In Germany they drink beer with almost every meal.

I've never heard of such a thing.

that's BS.

Live and Let live I say.

It's better to drink while eating verses not.
The food will help absorb some of the alcohol.

Well, I've been doing it for 25 years now and so far no problems except for the beer belly.
And believe you me, nothing goes better with a pizza, chili, BBQ or fried chicken. Although it took me years of training to get over the digestion issue.

You're right, it's drunken BS. Alcohol is alcohol. A 12-oz beer is a 1-oz shot is a 5-oz glass of wine. Beer is burpier, of course, and has plenty of calories, but there's no big reaction that will make you explode or anything. What's a Mexican meal without cerveza, corn beef and cabbage and mashed potatoes without a Harp, or pizza without a cold Bud?

I'm from Wisconsin, so of course I'm biased, but beer's our national drink around here.


That's just silly. I mean if you need your food digested quickly (which is funny), it's likely because you're going to be doing something active - swimming, hard-core hiking... - and in that case you're not apt to want a drink.

Cheers, mate! Enjoy your beer...

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