How do i build up my alcohol tolerance?!


How do i build up my alcohol tolerance?

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2 months ago
I can only drink about half a beer before i start getting dizzy and red all over. I just wanna be able to enjoy a glass of wine with girlfriend or a couple beers with friends when we hang out. I am not trying to become an alcoholic or a heavy drinker.

2 months ago
I can only drink about half a beer before i start getting dizzy and red all over. I just wanna be able to enjoy a glass of wine with girlfriend or a couple beers with friends when we hang out. I am not trying to become an alcoholic or a heavy drinker.

What could help is not drinking on an empty stomach. Eat carbs prior to drinking, such as pasta or bread. Carbs will help absorb the alcohol. Fruits, and vegetables don't help.

And as others have said, moderate drinking on a frequent basis will help.

And as always, think twice before you drive. Best wishes.

drink a lot on a regular basis! lol!
seriously - how old are you and why are you worried about this?

You don't. Please don't.

Perhaps instead of how, you should ask why? From a purely financial standpoint, drinking less to get to your goal (which I assume from your question is getting drunk) should be a no brainer. I am a lightweight in the drinking division and have endured endless jokes by my friends. One of my friends finally admitted that she wishes it took her less to get her drink on. Alcohol tolerence is just what it's what your body allows you to drink before you become very sick, or even dead. Don't mess with it..enjoy what you can drink and leave the heavy drinking to the college drunkard, and the homeless alcoholic.

drink a lot on a regular basis! lol!

STOP drinking alcohol! and think about how if you b.a.c level rises too high you die!!!(true fact)

Drink a few drinks per day, I'd say 4-6 for at least a 3 week period. I read one time that the liver can produce Alchohol Anahydrase, the chemical which breaks down alchohol, at a 30% increased rate, with just 3 weeks of moderate drinking.

Are you serious? Why would you want to build up your tolerence? You must be young and stupid!!

By drinking steadily...
I used to have rashes when I drink... doctor's advise is to keep drinking till these pesky rashes builds up then they will go away for good.
When i first started... half a glass of alcohol makes me dizzy and high.
If i ever mix my drinks with beer and cocktails... i can fall asleep very soon too.
Aren't we all very envious with those who can hold their liquor? Downing beers and alcohol and still can stay so ever sober & slim??
I practice drinking in order not to be a laughing stock.
I started out by drinking 1 glass then to 2 ... 3.. But i do not force myself to take more than my body can manage.
I just keep on drinking at steady levels.

I still am not much of a good drinker but much better than when I 1st started out.

It's the frequency of alcohol intake till your body system gets use to being intoxicated.

Do drink moderately... do not turn yaself into an alcoholic...
Not worth it!

This is not a good goal to pursue. Have a happy life instead

You don't, and any ways it's cheaper to have a low alcohol tolerance.

keep on consuming alcohol for a long period of time, your body will eventually get used to it, and as time progress's. It will take you more to get drunk!!!!

Drink consistently and have plenty of food in your stomach. Probably couldn't hurt to have an Irish or English background. haha but seriously why you would care or want to raise your tolerance is beyond me but right on dood. good luck with that.

Drink sweeter wines or beers or mead!

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