Is it bad to being drunk?!

Question: I always have fun when im drunk, i never feel stressed out by life, im always giggly and lauphing, i always refruse to drive drunk under any cercumstances. if ive been at a party, and im drunk, i just sleep in my car and drive home in the morning, no matter what. and well, i just like everything about it, i think i have a natural immunity to hangovers seing as ive never had headache or anything like that after a long night of drinking, but lately ive been told by people that i might have a problem, is getting drunk around 3 nights a week a problem? I dont think so, im having fun. But at the same time i trust my friends and respect there opinions. What do you think.

P.S.- Im a little tipsy right now.

Answers: I always have fun when im drunk, i never feel stressed out by life, im always giggly and lauphing, i always refruse to drive drunk under any cercumstances. if ive been at a party, and im drunk, i just sleep in my car and drive home in the morning, no matter what. and well, i just like everything about it, i think i have a natural immunity to hangovers seing as ive never had headache or anything like that after a long night of drinking, but lately ive been told by people that i might have a problem, is getting drunk around 3 nights a week a problem? I dont think so, im having fun. But at the same time i trust my friends and respect there opinions. What do you think.

P.S.- Im a little tipsy right now.

I get drunk on a daily bases, Right now I just woke up and I'm enjoying Beerioo's, I average a case of beer a day my life my rules....

I guess because you don't have anything better to do.

yeah it's fun now and then, and your body recovers given a chance. over time it could damage your liver, so try to keep it from becoming a way of life. and keep in mind that alcohol doesn't improve you just removes inhibitions( often to the point of making you obnoxious to your friends, and makes you less aware of your flaws which can make you unduly arrogant.

It's only a problem if it interferes with your daily life. As long as nothing is being lost (grades, work, family time) bc of your drinking you are okay. Just remember its hard on your liver so try to drink orange juice after drinking to help your liver and plenty of water.

It will be a problem once your liver stops working

Hi there - if friends who care about you (whom you "trust and respect their opinions") brought this up to you, they must have a very good reason for it. Honestly, even if you FEEL that you are not doing any harm to your body by drinking heavily 3+ nights a week, but it does. You know it, I know it, your friends know it, heck, everyone with some kind of common sense knows it. I know you're having a lot of fun while drinking, I went to a state school where there wasn't much to do but to drink and party, TRUST ME I know how much fun it is just to get drunk and get stupid. (And I am NOT being sarcastic.) Your health alone is a reason not to drink so much - I do not know how old you are, but take it from me and everyone else, you WILL feeling that a few years from now. Also, you may have other behavioral or mood changes that your friends are noticing which forced them to bring this up with you. Talk to them. They care about you.

I am no goodie goodie trying to get you to quit drinking, trust me I've had my fair share of heavy drinking (definitely during the entire time I was in college) - it's for your own health, you only get one body to live in.

Take good care of yourself! :o)

yes it is sometimes it is bad to be drunk so you know your limit
you don't want to be blind drunk and have alcohol poisoning then die or have to the hospital and have your tummy pumped out

Not really, just stay off of the road, please. I lost my best friend almost 2 years ago due to a drunken/drugged driver that crossed the center line, she was killed instantly. The pain gets worse for me as eah day goes by, was crying about her just earlier this evening. My life won't ever be the same without her here walking in this world. God life is hard knowing she's gone, unbelievable.

Alcohol is mentally and physically addicting. If you feel you need alcohol to have fun, you may have a problem. If you are getting drunk too often you may have a problem. No one can tell you you have a problem, you must figure that out for yourself.

Sleeping in your car is better than driving, however, in NJ you can be issued a DWI summons. Even if you are not driving and the car is off, if the keys are in reach you may be cited for DWI.

Three times a week sounds excessive. Try cutting back. If you can't you might have a problem.

ofc its fun lol,its the best feeling on the whole damn world

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