What end of the cigar do you cut?!

Question: i was wondering if u are supposed to cut the end you smoke from or the end you light. Sorry if this is a newb question.

Answers: i was wondering if u are supposed to cut the end you smoke from or the end you light. Sorry if this is a newb question.

No smartass answers, because you're obviously new to the world of fine cigars.

Look at the cigar closely. One end is open (you'll see loose tobacco inside), and the other is closed (wrapped tight).
The end you cut is the end that is closed tightly, as this is the end you smoke from.

Whatever you do, don't cut too far, or the cigar will begin to unravel and fall apart in your mouth.
If you look closely, you can see a "cap," which is basically a line or ring around the tip you are expecting to cut. That is the area you should aim for when cutting. It is typically 1/8 of an inch or less away from the end of the cigar.

Always use a double-blade cutter, as this will provide the cleanest cut. You can even get a cheap one for less than $3 at a tobacconist when you buy your smokes.

Snip it at this point, then roll it in your mouth to make sure you have a tight tobacco tip with no loose ends, and light it up.

When lighting, it is best to hold the cigar away from your mouth and turn as you light, slowly toasting the rim. Then put the smoke in your mouth and continue rolling it as you continue lighting it, causing an even burn.

Sit back and enjoy...


To the moron below me: You cut the end that IS rounded you numbskull. If you cut the end that isn't rounded, as you suggest, only one end will continue to be open... Ignorant girl... Of course it is "simpler than blah blah blah" if one is as simple minded and foolish as you obviously are.

unknown... Thank you for the part I forgot. Yes, look for the cigar band. That is the end which should be cut...

You cut the end that your supposed to put in your mouth

the side you smoke and you only cut about 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch off

the end you smoke from

the smoking end.

I cut the end that I light. The end that I smoke I bite about 1/16th of an inch off.

WOW! get a load of this guy!! ^^^^^ you cut the part that isnt rounded. simpler than blah blah blah blah blah

Jpiepenbrok has a great appreciation for cigar etiquette and an excellent answer---I'd just like to add that a fine cigar usually will have a label at the end that needs to be snipped and is also the end you smoke.

the end you smoke from, just above the cap leaf

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