Best way to get rid of a hangover??!

Question: Well yesterday was my 21st birthday, and I got pretty drunk.. and when I woke up this morning I felt like crap...I already took an aleve for my headache, its gone... but my whole body just feels BLAH! You know what I'm talking about I'm sure... My stomach is queasy and I'm all shakey. whats the best way to get rid of that? Someone told me to eat something but I went in there to make me something to eat and looked at the food in the fridge and I felt like I wanted to puke...I just wish I could crawl back in bed and go back to sleep, but I'm not tired at all... Thanks!

Answers: Well yesterday was my 21st birthday, and I got pretty drunk.. and when I woke up this morning I felt like crap...I already took an aleve for my headache, its gone... but my whole body just feels BLAH! You know what I'm talking about I'm sure... My stomach is queasy and I'm all shakey. whats the best way to get rid of that? Someone told me to eat something but I went in there to make me something to eat and looked at the food in the fridge and I felt like I wanted to puke...I just wish I could crawl back in bed and go back to sleep, but I'm not tired at all... Thanks!

Hey gurl-
I'm gonna say eat some bread to absorb some of that alcohol. Being 21 is great, isn't it? :)

I have 2
drink pickle juice about 8 oz. you will need to pooh afterwards but will feel better
drinkclub soda , bitters, and lime juice

There are many ways to handle this,first make sure when you go drinking take alot of water so that the next day you are not so badly off.If you have a hangover take something with caffeine in it like coffee or a coke.This will reduce the headache and the bad feeling then eat something like eggs or bananas and you should be good to go.Happy birthday by the way

Sleep is the best solution. For future reference, before going to bed, when you have been drinking, take two Ibuprofen (not Tylenol) and you will not have a hangover in the morning.

have a beer and go back to bed. You'll be fine by the time you are 26

Mimosas are great. I know liquor sounds gross but even just one drink and you'll feel 100 times better. Or just lay around all day and feel like dog doo.

Drink lots of water.

Whatever you were drinking , Start drinking it again. This is a short term answer and will lead to another hangover and possiblily a life of booze dependency! :) .
Best way I find to kill a hangover is to drink plenty of fluids BEFORE you go to bed , and when you get up (Fizzy water with decent orange juice is good for head). Try to do trival things like hang around in dark rooms wearing comfortable clothes ,Avoid the light and maths exams ! Anything that involves brain power will lead to more pain ./

~You have thousands of hangovers ahead of you . And after each one . You will be still a stupid git and go on the razz again . Thats life . Have fun and ENJOY it . Your 20,s are the best times of your life.!

Eat cracker or plain toast. You need something to absorb the alcohol. And drink alot of water to rehydrate yourself.
If you do this again, take a couple of ibuprofen BEFORE you start drinking and then a couple more before you go to bed. And drink alot of water before you go to bed. I know, kinda hard to do that but it does work.
Happy Birthday! :)

drink tons of water!!! Your body is actually dehydrated, that's why it hurts. Before you go to bed (as long as you aren't so drunk you cant) drink as much water as you can. Then when you wake up drink a bunch more. works every time.

Personally I drink a bottle of propel ( Black cherry) and McDonald's breakfast. It seems to work every time.

Happy Birthday~

before going out eat some buttered bread and drink some milk. When you get home before going to bed drink a couple glasses of water and take some ibuprofen. If you still feel bad in the morning drink a bloody Mary

Good day,
mine is Mexican food or an omelet made w/ chez ham sour cream and guacamole and served w/ Texas tst and hair of the dog that bit u......

The best thing that you can do is wait until early afternoon say about 1 pm. Go out and hit a TGI Fridays or a Hooters and have a good lunch with drinks. After you have that first beer you will notice that the queasy feeling will turn into hunger. Once you eat and have another beer or two you may begin to feel sleepy but I can guarantee that you will not puke!!!

Here's my hangover cure, works every time for me.

Make a banana soy milkshake. The bananas restore the potasium your body lost while drinking. Soy milk contains more water than regular milk, getting rid of the dehydration.

smoke weed, then get outta the house and go for a run, sweat that poison out then pound gatoraid, it's the only way.

Drink some Jaegar Bombs Bro!

You need to eat. No matter what, eat something and drink lots of fluids that don't have caffeine. Pasta with butter is my usual hangover cure.

Also, get some sugar in you. I find that a regular soda helps, just don't chug it.

Take a couple asprins and go back to bed after you eat. You'll feel better when you wake up.

Oh yeah, happy belated birthday!

drink some gatorade and take a warm shower and just let the water run on you for a your young age that hangover will be gone by noon.

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