My face turns red when i drink but i'm not even close to tipsy. help?!

Question: how can i prevent my face from turning so red?

my friends all ask if i'm okay and i am, it's jus that my face goes really red like i'm super embarassed or something. i wanna know if this is preventable

Answers: how can i prevent my face from turning so red?

my friends all ask if i'm okay and i am, it's jus that my face goes really red like i'm super embarassed or something. i wanna know if this is preventable

Its not preventable - the same happens to me.
Whats happening is that your body is releasing extra heat from you body produced by the alcohol - this causes redness in some individuals as the blood vessels are closer to the surface.

If I am going out with friends, I put on some good foundation - this helps to hide some of the flushness you skin experiences.

how old are you? check your blood pressure.

I've had heaps of friends in the same situation... Most of them have just a beer or a glass of champagne and their face is red...
They are many reasons for this,
some say that there is a slight alergic re-action from the alcohol...
But I don't really believe that, cause I had one friend -
When we first started drinking together, she would get really red in the face after just 2 beers...
But after drinking all the time, within 4 months of hardcore drinking she was fine...
I don't recommend drinking all the time....
But it is fun.....
Goodluck! but don't get embarassed about it :-)

Yeah, quit drinking.

you may have an allergy to something. since not all alcoholic drinks are made the same way. i have a friend that can drink vodka all day and look fine but 3 beers and he's beet red. have fun exploring and finding what does it to you

your blood pressure could be out of whack.

Its possible that your body is unable to produce acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, and enzyme that aids in the breakdown of ethanol (aka alchol). When this enzyme is missing, the rate at which alcohol is converted into less toxic components is greatly lessenned, which in turn causes acetaldehyde to build up in the blood stream, often causing flushed skin and more severe hangovers (since acetaldehyde is a stronger toxin than ethanol). Your body still metabolizes alcohol, but at a much slower rate. If you are concerned, or are a frequent and/or heavy drinker, you may want to ask your doctor about ways to treat the condition. If its minor and/or you're more of a social drinker, I've heard that taking heartburn medication about a half hour before you want to drink reduces the reddness.

Hope this helps!

ahh. you are much more better than me. the first time i drank few glasses of red wine. i fainted 10 minutes after and got back to normal later. until now, i'm still been teased.

its called the asian flush...

welcome to my world

You are allergic to alcohol

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