I dont drink alcohol but I want to start drinking..Im 23..any tips??!


I dont drink alcohol but I want to start drinking..Im 23..any tips??

I agree with another statement. You are 23 and there is nothing wrong with having a drink or two now and then. Everyone has different tastes, so it's hard to suggest what you may like. Some people like mixed drinks, some people like hard liquor, wine, beer, etc. You will have to see what you prefer and you can only do that by trying them yourself. Don't overdo it though, there's nothing worse than being dizzy, sick to your stomach, all while acting like a crazy idiot. Take things slow. All you want to do is get a slight buzz. Once you get to that point where you feel good, laid back, mellow, then just pace yourself. I'm not going to tell you not to drive drunk, you sound like a responsible 23 year old, so I will assume you know better than that. Have fun and enjoy yourself!


Tipping is a city in China.

So don't. Bartenders rank up
there with surgeons, bank owners,
and elves.


Drink budweiser beer, and don't ever ,ever,ever drive drunk!!!!

Start with mixed drinks...that way you won't have to taste the alcohol.

Don't drink!!!!


stick with the girly drinks - wine coolers, wine, and mixed drinks that contain juices.

slow and steady, don't over do it and watch out for Silent Sam, he has gotten me into lots of trouble

Yes, don't. Drinking is not evil, what it can do to you is. If you haven't started, just don't. If you really want to.. start out with something light, like a wine spritzer or a daiquiri.

Start hanging out with friends and have fun. Don't get too crazy, pace yourself, especially since you don't have any tolerance. You don't want to pass out early. Stay away from shots for a while. Get a weak drink to start. If you feel really drunk, get a glass of water instead of another drink.

Start slow and remember, you will hate the first thing you get drunk on and throw up.

Remember this saying: Liquor then beer, you're in the clear. Beer then liquor, never sicker.

First of all, the poster is not saying they want to be an alcoholic, so LIGHTEN UP everyone!!

Experiment with a variety of things (though not all in one night!!!) My absolute favorite drink is a Bloody Mary, but you really have to like tomato juice for that one.

Just dive right in there, ask the bartenders what they suggest and LEARN YOUR LIMITS. Drinking isn't bad, you can have a lot of fun with it, and it can even be good for you (glass of red wine a day keeps the cardiologist away...), but if you let yourself go, you will do many things that you regret and possibly endanger your life and others.


try beer first then if you want to try liquor start by telling the bartender for a light drink, he/she will know not to put too much alcohol on the drink and keep track of how many you consume, this way you will know what your limit is when the room starts spinning, a good tip is to eat before you drink and a light snack before you pass out. lol.
good luck and drink sensible

its bad for you.

Don't !

Well, who knows Dont start on anything hard at first you will hate yourself, try something according to your tastebuds. Do you like drinks with juices? Pop? or wine? Sweet? Bitter? Vodka and rum always seem to have alot of great mixers, Play around with it! Be responsible, sont go overboard, you may regret it

dont do it ps you must be an idiot

At 23 if you havent started dont .........but if you insist cuz you will get girls try this instead get a bunch of cigarettes.......some cocaine,heroine, weed, Meth, throw in a few pills take this daily .....learn some violent acts ..........maybe rob a few folks ..hire a few crack ho's to have fun with and then disrespect your mama.

If you want to make a drink at home, start with something simple like vodka and orange juice or rum and coke. If you don't like the taste of alcohol try a bay breeze, pinapple juice, cranberry juice and vodka.

If you want to order a drink out, strawberry daqs, margritas or mojitos are good to start. They are sweet, not too strong and tasty. ... cheers!

Just out of curiosity, why do you want to start drinking? It isn't an indoor, or outdoor sport, you know.

My advice would be to not drink, but you aren't really asking for advice are you ... just what you should drink.

Just don't. But, if you must, check out this website

start with something sweet like a pina colada or even wine coolers...

Miller Lite is good. For hard alcohol-go with vodka. It is delicious and mixes well. And it is good for shots too! =)

Try to get ahold of German beer. Its the best stuff out there.

Start with a Shirly Temple, and end with a Shirly Temple. You could have fun with your friends, and be a DD, (designated driver).

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