Why do people spike drinks? what do they use?!


Why do people spike drinks? what do they use?

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2 months ago
I refer to people who spike people's drinks in clubs.

2 months ago
I refer to people who spike people's drinks in clubs.

i'm not too sure, but from the stories i've heard its usually as a joke...they might put laxatives in the drink which is most common...but if its more serious they put powder drugs like cocaine...sleeping powders might be used if its REALLY serious and the spiker wants to either rob or rape the spikee.
i heard this case on the news when this guy put these powders in a girls drink n she fainted so he took all her money n ran. there are ways to prevent spiking such as never leave your drink unattended, and there are these plastic things u put over your bottle n u put the straw through it and its immpossible for someone to spike your drink coz its single use so u can't take it off or put anythin other than the straw.
hope that answers your question.

the news.



Usually a hard spirit. The term "spike" merely refers to the act of adding something to a drink. What they use depends on what they have, usually stashed in a flask. The reason? To get drunk, or to get those around them drunk....perhaps so they can "get lucky." ;)

What ever they have on hand.

Anything really to get something (sex...) such as ecstasy in clubs to liquor at highschool parties.

Well it depends most people spike drink to get the edge off of any event. and Mostly I see is vodka added to punch or something which taste pretty good but not too strong. when add to cranberry juice or orange juice taste pretty good. Some people might spike a drink for different reason just be carefull not to drink to much of a spiked drink becasue you never know what might be in that drink.

I'm not sure if you mean spike the drink to give it a stronger punch......or spike as some type drug to end up date rapping someone, i'm just saying what i've seen on TV.
If you want to make your your drinks stronger though, just add a mixture of alcoholic beverages..... Don't drink if you're not 21 though.....

The common drug used to 'spike' drinks is Ecstasy..because they are cheap and easy to come by... for just that reason, some idiots think its fun to see how people will react and some could spike drinks with the intention of taking advantage of the person who's drink has been spiked.
Don't leave your glass/bottle unattended and don't accept drinks from someone who you don't know when you have not seen the drink being purchased and passed straight to you.

Because they think it is funny to harm someone around them, usually someone they dont know
they usually use date rape drugs or harder ones like cocaine and cannabis etc
sometimes it can be for a joke and they use laxatives or senna to prevent bowel movements etc

They usually do it to cause you to drink something that will have a bad effect on you. It is a criminal offence.

coca cola as added flavour . sometimes a little rum mixed witht their coca cola . ginger ale . lemonade in some drinks have you ever tried the snow monkey the recipe is at all recipes . also holiday drinks

I dont know but the people who do need a bloody good hiding.

Spiking drinks is a truly despicable act.
However, it does go both ways.
My ex-wife goes to night clubs looking for one night stands and she be known to be SOOOH desperate she has actually spiked her own drink !

people spike drinks because
1 its the only way they can get laid
2they think its funny
3 its the only way they can pull
4 their idiots
5 they have small willies so the person needs to be half dead for them to not feel inadequate
6 they have very sad lives
7 they like to put people in danger

can spike it with anything from spirits to date rape drugs
i had mine spiked once with a trip wasnt nice as all
and another time they spiked it with vodka i ended up passing out in the pub and they left me. these wee friends at the time but not after this

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