I fancy a drink so im off to the pub?!
Answers: im sick of drinking lager though, what else can i drink without looking gay ?
magners with ice yum
It is nice to know someone can still afford to, I used to love a pint of stout.
Pint of Guinness with a whiskey chaser ,
Try some real ale. Greene King Abbot Ale is rather good, as is Jennings Snecklifter, Adnams Broadside, Hopback Summer Lightning and many other fine examples of the traditional brewer's craft.
yes please i would like a packet of cashews and a glass of white lemonade, i am not much of a drinker but i do love chatting a great deal if you want company for a chat.
have a guinness for paddys day
White wine spritser. or and appletinnie. LOL
Cider is refreshing, hang on I`ll come with you!
drink something you like, very funny question I forgot to laugh.
hey i'll join you over a whisky and soda nobody is going to think gay about that