Simple yes or no....alcohol good or bad?!


Simple yes or no....alcohol good or bad?

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2 months ago
point taken...i worded this badly but i understand the vast majority so just chill outand answer how you like!

2 months ago
point taken...i worded this badly but i understand the vast majority so just chill outand answer how you like!

in moderation alcohol is good, if abused bad...



Very Good


You know I think that alcohol is good in moderation. As long as people don't abuse it I really don't see anything wrong with it.

Good if you don't end up under the table


Simple yes or no when you ask if it's good or bad?!

both...................... Too much is bad!!! Don't drinka lot, but drink every once in a while!!!

bad. causes so many problems its unreal. it wrecks lives. BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD.

Good in moderation

first 2, per day GOOD

the next 2, OK

the next 2, BAD


It is good in moderation.

very very good. :o)

Moderation is the key to keeping alcohol good

Bad. My best friend and her sister are now corpses because of someone who drank.

Yep, I've had both good and bad experiences with alcohol.

You are asking a question which can not be answered simply yes or no.
Like just about everything aboutfood and drink, it is about moderation. Anything that is good there will always be someone who misuse it and makes it bad.

GOOD moderation. excess.



moderation it is OK

Bad...but it tastes so good!! =D

Great in moderation and if responsible!


now, good. tomorrow morning, bad.

bad for me

of course its bad.. the costs to society outweigh the benefits.

Its good in the right hands...

A quick shot of vodka eases the tension and makes you relax... or maybe more than one...

Too much is hella bad

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