What age did you start?!


What age did you start?

What age did you start drinking at? Why did you start drinking? How was your first time? For me, I'm only 15, and I started in January. I started cause when things get boring, there's plenty to do drunk. My first time I had a little too much though and started throwing up like crazy in the sink..

Just to let you know, you need to stop now! This sounds like it could turn into a serious problem! You should be watchin movies, reading books, or playing sports outside if you are bored, not drinking! You will damage your brain and you are not even fully grown yet! Please stop now! It is bad enough to drink at the legal age, don't do it again~! It can only lead to trouble!

dude your gonna end up being like one of 'those guy' enough said...get your act together and dont start till your ready to lightly drink...which i would say would be much later

Never tried drinking with my friends. Afraid of my parents or what others would think of me. It does look fun though and everyone is doing it.

i am 17 and i havent drank.. i dont see why people do it..theres plenty of things you can do besides get drunk.. thats not an excuse

15 is awfully young. Your brain is still developing ... and you'll be burned out of partying by the time you are 18. Play a sport, join a club, find something else to do.

I'm sober now..but i had my first drink at 9

I'm not an alcoholic but i see no need for alchol

I think you need to talk with someone close to you. Maybe a family member or someone (faculty or staff) whom you trust at school. It sounds like you have a problem you're not really talking about.

Good luck dear.

i was like 13 and i partied alot and it gets boring and i agree you need to get help it could turn into something bad fast

you are a little moron, you have no business using alcohol at your age there's no glamor in it. You should stop or you'll grow up stupid and toothless, and living in a cardboard box, and smell of urine.

I always had wine with dinner on special occasions with my parents. I didn't start really drinking till college. 15 is a little young... make sure you are safe and don't over do it and don't plan on driving. Have fun, but most importantly be safe.

im 15 too and started WAAAAAAAAAAAY before january

i probably started drinking when i was about 7

not really drinking drinking but i had alcohol at dinner sometimes

then i got reall into red wine, and one night, it was summer, and i enjoyed a couple of bottles (i was 13 i think) and thank god it was hot and my window was open otherwise there may have been some red coloured sick stained glass

as it was, i threw up out the window (in my bedroom, not on the ground floor i might add) and it was everywhere

my mum hosed it down the next morning

which coincidentally was a monday morning, and hence i missed school because i had a hangover


plus, this answer is doubly special for me, because i was only two points away from level two, thnx mate

and remember, drink sensibly (HA!)

Dude, you could seriously do some damage to yourself if you keep this up...not to mention the terrible things that you may end up doing while intoxicated. I know you're not really old enough to drive, but there are other stupid ways you can get yourself in trouble when your drunk.
There are tons of things you can do while sober, more than you can do when you're drunk. Who wants to spend a whole morning hanging over the toilet with a killer headache?
Head outside, play a sport, go to a movie, get friends together and go bowling or mini-golfing, play video-games...there's tons of options if you think about it.

14, summer before freshman year. my very first time was just 1 beer, and i loved it even though it was warm.ussually people dont like beer when they first start drinking, but it loved it. i got the beer b/c my brother and his friend and me were painting our new house and my mom wasnt around so they got a case. while they were outside i took some, they didnt even i know i did it. my mom is either really dumb or in denial, one time i came home drunk with friends(also drunk) with a beer between my boobs as a joke and she didnt even notice. i started to drink b/c i wanted to know why everybody liked it so much. and i continued after my brothers found out b/c they are older and they stared treating me older, and trusting me. but never ever have i driven drunk, its ok to drink, but dont drive(i know you are only 15). when you think you are starting to drink too much just stop for a couple weeks just to make sure you arent getting in too deep.

happy drinking

I was 21 - had a Bud & a shot of Crown the day after my birthday. Didn't care for the beer, but definitely had a taste for whisky from the beginning.

maybe like 20....right before I was legal drinking age. Didn't really begin to drink until I began work in the wine industry at 23.

even then, I drink all in moderation, usually I am designated driver for my friends so only have one or two glasses of anything when out. normally only drink at home where I don't drive. I don't like throwing up, so i tend to not drink a lot.

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