Men and beer?!

Question: girls why do men drink so much beer?

Answers: girls why do men drink so much beer?

I drink beer because it is delicious, but in general...

What drives men to drink? Women.

I think because it is one of those manly man things. however in the girl's defence there are quite a few of us that do partake in the beer.

Because they can't deal with their problems so they drink them away to forget. ;D

I enjoy one or two once in a while, but beer, wine etc has a lot of calories (I don't really like lite beer). I would rather drink less of a good beer.

I'm a girl who drinks beer often. I think if more women were introduced to good beer, more of them would drink it. I have converted many of my female friends into beer drinkers by showing them beer that actually tastes good instead of the watery, fizzy mass-produced stuff. I don't know what the attraction of men, or anyone really, to crappy beer is...

We drink beer for several reasons: it's cold and refreshing, the buzz after a few beers is very nice, and it's a way to get together with our friends and enjoy ourselves.

because it's cheaper then malt drinks, it gets you drunk, it's not as hard on your stomach as harder liquor, and you can drink alot of them. and the taste eventually gets better, if your drinking bud light, miller, etc.. but the cheaper stuff, grooss.

it tastes good.. it gets u drunk and its manly

I drink good beer because... well because it tastes good. I don't feel a nee to escape anything or a need to drown my troubles. I like the taste of craft beer. Simple as that.

because the need the courage it gives them the only problem if it also makes them bad lovers, and bad breath in the morning..

Best tasting drink made by mankind, you just chill with it, and it is very masculine and burly.

I'm with Sprout in the sense that I think more people (and yes that includes women) would drink beer, if they knew about the sheer variety of tastes and how delicious it can truly be.

I'm also with both Sprout and Adam, in that I tend to only drink the well made stuff.

To me there are few pleasures in life greater than winding down after a day's work and partaking in a well made beer.

The masses can take their Bud/Miller/Coors, I'll take The Rochefort/Bell's/ La Chouffes of the world.

Now excuse me, time to go grab a glass and a Rogue Shakespeare Stout

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