Is there anything I can do to reduce the effects of alcohol?!

Question: Im very thin so I get drunk really quickly. Ive heard of herbs you can take and you can drink alot but it wont get you as drunk.

Any ideas??

Answers: Im very thin so I get drunk really quickly. Ive heard of herbs you can take and you can drink alot but it wont get you as drunk.

Any ideas??

ok going to tell you this where or not other believe me or not not does not matter this is an old old idea or what ever that I have used for years and it works.
If you are drinking beer or wine or others. Take a small glass of beer lets say, break one raw egg in glass, pour small amount of beer in with it and drink. Take care not to break the yoke. the white of egg has no taste but the yoke does and it does not mix with beer so swallow it in a lump real fast.
do this with two eggs and beer.
The raw eggs coat the inside of you stomach and does not let the Alcohol soak in.
It works! Also a shot of Vitamin B-12 will help!

The only definite way is to not drink as much alcohol. If you know it affects you this way, alternate it with soft drinks.

eat allot of bread before you go out =]

Try to drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink.... By the end of the evening you'll probably have given up on the water (or forgotten!!), but it should slow your drinking without giving you any extra kcal, and will also help your head the next morning!!

Eat a good meal before you go out. Choose weaker drinks and drink slowly. And limit your intake throughout the night.

Mix your drinks with lemonade or soda water or something similar it would slow it down a little

Don't drink so much.

just don't drink

why do u even want 2 drink its bad for ur body

Agree with Maddie. For every alcoholic drink you have, have an equivalent amount of water. This will water down the amount of alcohol in your system, but you will still have a good time. It will also enable your body to flsuh out the toxins.

Also, before you go to bed, drink a pint of water for the same reasons, and in the morning, have a breakfast of sugary tea, toast and eggs. Eggs are very good (boiled, not fried). Eggs contain a chemical called cysteine which your body needs to replace, and these are a good source.

Yes. QUIT!

yes you could stop drinking in excess before you end up getting the problems associated with binge drinking

Come out with me flower,i,m so tight with my pennies,that you will never drink too much.

Slow down....

Eat a meal first. Slows the absorbtion rate.

That's about it. Some people claim that carbonated drinks like beer, Champane and mixed drinks with soda absorb get you drunk faster than flat drinks but it is debatable.

If you don't want to get sick or make an *** of yourself space your drinks out. One an hour is about all your body can process, anything more than that starts building up. Drink pop and eat food too.

Take a visit to Macdonalds, have a Hamburger and Milkshake. Thats the most practical thing to do, and It will surely help majorly.

works for me.... I also drink lots of juice and take vitamins in the morning. By noon im usualy feeling pretty good.

You dont need to keep up with everyone else ya know :P

take the pledge of abstinance.and praise The Lord.Amen

eat something before you go out it helps soak up the alcohol
better still give up drinking i gave up on new years day after many years of drinking too much and i feel grate next i want to give up smoking as i have abused my body for far too long now

Have a decent meal before you start drinking. Although alcohol is absorbed through the stomach wall, it is more quickly absorbed in the small intestine and subsequent intestinal tract. Having food in your stomach whilst you're drinking will delay its discharge into the small intestine for a few hours, in the meantime, the alcohol is being absorbed more slowly than it would otherwise. This gives your liver a better chance of metabolising the alcohol before it becomes overloaded. Acetyle cistine is an essential protien for the metabolism of alcohol. The easiest place to find it is in eggs.

Or alternatively, (indeed as well), you could try drinking less alcohol.


I'm going to beat a dead horse here.... Don't drink as much. There is absolutely no way to limit the effects of alcohol other than moderation.

Eat spicy or fried foods

stop drinking, dear

Kind of reiterating what's already been said: Only drink on a full stomach. Food softens the absorption. Obviously you just don't have to drink as much, and the people you're with should understand- if you're drunk, you're drunk, accept it.

But one thing, I like sports drinks like Gatorade or something even better than water when drinking. They actually do hydrate faster, countering the dehydration effects of alcohol.

Good luck and be careful!

dont drink as much as you do. reduce your drinking.
eat right after you drink.

Eat starchy foods first (pretzels, bread, crackers) to absorb the alcohol.
Don't mix with diet sodas... it enhances the effect. Also, if you're on anti-depressants or anything like that, those enhance the effect too.
Drink beer/malt beverages instead of hard liquor.
Just slow it down!

try cooking it, that might reduce the alcohol in the drink. I know someone's parent that does that. I'm not telling who.

thats why I don't drink anymore.....I couldn't find a solution to anything.

dont drink on an empty stomach and dont drink as much alcohol

Loads before bed & in the morning - dunno wat's in it but it's amazin for a hangover!! (and some food when you get in) works for me x

Not sure about the herbs...
Make sure you have eaten regularly all day. Very important. Try some toast and try have a glass of milk also before you go out. Alternate drinks with water. I heard years ago that drinking through a straw makes you more drunk?? Not sure about that? Don't mix your drinks either...
Don't drink as much, and also don't smoke as often it makes you feel even more rough and in the morning more hungover!!
Happy drinking!

limit your drinks to one or two.

age, weight both affect tolerance.

Many doctors agree that 1-2 beers or glasses of wine, every 2-3 day period, boost the enzymes that clean out the arteries. Drinking more than that in a 2-3 period counteracts the benefits of the above, and then starts working against the body in the liver, stomach and intestinal lining, and other organs, including facial capillaries.

When a person is young, the detrimental effects aren't noticed, but with age, can take its toll

drinking hard liquor does nothing good for the body

Food In a fasting individual, it is generally agreed that 20% to 25% of a dose of alcohol is absorbed from the stomach and 75% to 80% is absorbed from the small intestine. Thus, in fasting people, peak BACs are achieved in 0.5 to 2.0 hours; while in non-fasting people, peak alcohol BACs are achieved in 1.0 to 6.0 hours.
Food taken along with alcohol results in a lower, delayed blood alcohol concentration peak (the point of greatest intoxication). When food is ingested, the pyloric valve at the bottom of the stomach will close in order to hold food in the stomach for digestion and thus keep the alcohol from reaching the small intestine. While alcohol will be absorbed from the stomach, it is a slower and less efficient transition. Because alcohol is absorbed most efficiently in the small intestine, the ingestion of food can slow down the absorption of alcohol by keeping the alcohol in the stomach longer.
The larger the meal and closer in time between eating and drinking, the lower the peak alcohol concentration, studies indicate a 9% to 23% reduction. Peak BAC’s are achieved in fasting people within 0.5 to 2.0 hours, while non-fasting people exhibit peak alcohol concentrations within 1.0 to as much as 6.0 hours. Thus, food taken with alcohol will result in a lower and delayed peak BAC.
The type of food ingested (carbohydrate, fat, protein) has not been shown to have a measurable influence on this affect but the larger the meal and closer in time between eating and drinking, the greater the diminution of peak alcohol concentration.
Strength of Drink Obviously, stronger drinks will result in higher BACs. But differences in drink strength can also cause small differences in the rate at which alcohol is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol is most rapidly absorbed when the concentration of the drink is between 10% and 30%. When the alcohol content is less than 10%, the concentration gradient in the gastrointestinal tract is low and absorption is slowed. On the other hand, drink concentrations higher than 30% tend to irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and the pyloric sphincter, causing increased secretion of mucous and delayed gastric emptying.
Body Fat Alcohol has a high affinity for water and is therefore found in body tissues and fluids inasmuch as they contain water. Thus person's with a lower percent body fat will, in general, have lower BACs than individuals with a higher percent body fat.
In general, but by no means in all cases, women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat and thus a lower percentage of body water. Therefore, in general, if a man and a woman of the same weight ingest the same amount of alcohol the woman will tend to have a higher BAC. This, of course, would not be true if the woman was very fit and the man was somewhat obese, but on average, this is the case.
Body Type However, for people of the same weight, a well muscled individual will be less affected than someone with a higher percentage of fat since fatty tissue does not contain very much water and will not absorb very much alcohol. Thus, for those with more fat tissue, the alcohol is distributed in a smaller percentage of the total body mass and will result in a higher BAC. Body Weight In general, the less you weigh the more you will be affected by a given amount of alcohol. As detailed above, alcohol has a high affinity for water. Basically one's blood alcohol concentration is a function of the total amount of alcohol in one's system divided by total body water. Thus, when two individuals with similar body compositions and different weights ingest equal amounts of alcohol, the larger individual will have a lower BAC than the smaller individual.

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