Alcohol only makes me depressed?!

Question: I realize that it is a depressant,
but people don't drink to be sad,
in fact lots of people get happy when they drink,
but for some reason I ONLY feel depressed and tired when i drink. I have never felt happy
I'm just wondering why that is???

Answers: I realize that it is a depressant,
but people don't drink to be sad,
in fact lots of people get happy when they drink,
but for some reason I ONLY feel depressed and tired when i drink. I have never felt happy
I'm just wondering why that is???

It's your personal body chemistry (I can't explain it precisely scientifically). Everybody's different. That's just how you react to it. Obviously, if you don't want to feel like that, don't drink.

There ARE other chemicals you could try if you felt like it. Be safe.

Well it seems to magnify your mood when you start drinking. For instance if you are in a merry mood, then you'll just get into a better mood. And if you are tired and gloomy, then alcohol won't brighten your mood it will only make it worse.

So avoid drinking when you feel rotten, and go for it when you are in bright spirits and celebrating.

Because you don't buy the hype. Taking a depressant depresses people. Some people are happy when they're doing what everyone else is doing, even if that thing is getting depressed together.

Drink what you enjoy drinking because you enjoy drinking it (even if it's not alcohol). If you drink to get happy you'll just get drunk.

stop drinking

Alcohol’s direct action on the brain is as a depressant. It generally decreases the activity of the nervous system. One could ask how it could be a depressant if after one or two drinks a person tends to talk more and become more active. The answer is that alcohol can cause disinhibition, i.e. inhibits cells and circuits in the brain which themselves are normally inhibitory.
Mood and psychological makeup: Use of alcohol tends to potentiate the mood of the user. Thus, if one is sad, alcohol may make you sadder. If you are happy, alcohol may make you happier. The psychologically make-up of an individual becomes important since alcohol may diminish some controls, which keep the person functioning well under usual circumstances. Loss of those controls may lead to difficulties such as aggression and other unwanted behaviors.
Environment: The environment in which a person drinks is an important determinant of the effects of alcohol. For example drinking at a festive party will often cause the person to become more festive. A good example of this is the behavior of the thousands of people who attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans each year. This is essentially a huge party that goes on and on and people’s behavior and energy level is potentiated by the group. In contrast, it would be expected that drinking at sad occasions would result in more sadness.

This is normal. People react differently to alcohol. It might be what you're drinking. For example, beer might just make you tired because it makes you full and weighs you down so you can't drink much, but drinking wine or taking a couple of shots might give you a "happier" drunk.

Also, the activity you're involved in might matter. Like if you're at a club and are very active, this might encourage you to be happier and more excited rather than kinda down.

But either way, there's nothing wrong with you. How you're reacting is normal, and is your body's way of telling you not to drink (because you're getting worn out.)

Maybe you can switch to caffeine which can make you happy in a safer way!

it affects everyone differently. people are not happy just because they're acting crazy or outgoing or laughing. they're just drunk. but i guess alcohol doesn't bring out that silly side of yourself, so maybe you should be the designated driver for your friends who drink, and make new friends with people who don't drink very often.

not all people react the same using alcohol, some get happy some get depressed, me, i get happy and i love everyone, deceased wife use to say to me, "bob, you would love Adolph Hitler when you have been drinking",.....

I dont know why...but just stop drinking!

a couple of posters hit the nail. I think certain people are more prone to depression while or after drinking than others, as alcohol loosens the mood and lets you feel the wrath of your complete anxiety, and perhaps your inability to surmount (get over) your inadequacy or inability to dominate certains stresses in your life.

There are times when being 100% selfish and self-pitying can lead to a mental cleansing, and a sense of relief afterwards when sober again. Likewise, a good cry is relieving as well, and somethimes it takes a but of drinking to get one to open up trhe vault and begin to clean house.

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