Anyone have a hangover the size of mine ?!

Question: I was out drinking for two days in a row, I lost my mobile phone, nearly forgot about band rehersals and when I got there I was too drunk to play the drums. I've woke up with no cigaretts and my head is still pounding.

Any chance of a simpathy star ?

Answers: I was out drinking for two days in a row, I lost my mobile phone, nearly forgot about band rehersals and when I got there I was too drunk to play the drums. I've woke up with no cigaretts and my head is still pounding.

Any chance of a simpathy star ? poor thing...nah,i used to drink,don't do that no know Indians shouldn't drink!...drink a little tee with two aspirins in it,it should take the headache away,be careful drinking Geo,that's why i have two children instead of one...oh the good old bad you feel better.

it's sympathy, and yes, i'll give you one.

No sympathy brother, it's self-inflicted.

Get yourself a whole bunch of fried crap to eat.....that works for me every time.

No way..learn to handle your drink darling, neither liver or brain damage are attractive. Drinking until you pass out isn't clever either.

i wish

oh no.youll just have to bear it out.take some alka seltzer and go back to bed for a few hours

ok ok.. you talked me into it. sympathy star for you. but, don't ask again! ^^ i'm so glad i don't drink anymore. if i drank like i used to i probably wouldn't even wake up in the morning cause of all the pain killers i'm prescribed. uh.. they don't go together. lol Next time, drink at least one to 2 glasses of water before you sleep if you can remember, it helps.

Self inflicted but I know the feeling, I got up with the hangover from hell this morning, Ive got a works party tonight and feel like crap so dont want to go!

You my little Rock Star friend need to do some more training before you try to wear the Daddy Rock Star pants again. Until that time take 4 ibu's and slam a gatorade and take a nap.

ooh poor you ime fine i dont get hangovers you can have a star lol

No, I don't believe in consumption like that which inflicts unwanted misery!

no sympathy here buddy!!!!

I woke up after a binge and I feel like I was eaten by a wolf and then shite off a cliff!!! Where is my sympathy!!!!

drink a beer and go back to bed.....that's what I'm gonna do!!!

That's perfectly normal behaviour for a drummer, so, no.

noooo ha i got so drunk once i gave someone my phone my mate had to go after then to get it back
i also woke up in ramdon place and was thinking how did i get it here i also had to spend the whole day smelling sick and vodka till i found my way home
i think you payed the price of drinking to much ha

sorry, no star. slow down or you'll be old before your time

Nope, I feel great, andit's 10pm here.

N sympathy...You did it to yourself, really. And two days in a row...sounds like a lil more than just drinking. Go back to sleep.

I'm sorry for you I been there just drink lots of water and sleep it off and try to learn something from the experience maybe not to drink sooooo much this time you only lost your phone and damaged your body what will it be next job , friends, life THINK!

no i have never had a hangover my friends say i'm the one that deserves it the most but i have never had one

your sad my friend,,,

Are you feeling better geo, rangers today kid ,i'm waiting on another bet if they win, that'll clear my hangover.

No im fine thanks.

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