Im gonna be 21 next Tuesday, what are some good drinks to try?!


Im gonna be 21 next Tuesday, what are some good drinks to try?

Im turning 21 on the 17th of April. I was wondering what drinks I should try when I go to the bars at night? I dont care whats in them, just as long as they are good. Anyone wanna come with me? lol

Mooshell- you need therapy. Slaxelot-- I didn't drink anything but wine with dinner ((and one very bad experience with Bud Light) till I was 21.
Take it slow-- alternate between alcohol and non-alcohol drinks to keep from being dehydrated-- no more than 2 per hour for a good, stable buzz with very little hangover. Eat a high-protein meal before going out (or before drinking), and snack all night.
That being said, my favorites are:
Rum and Coke
Sapphire gin and Tonic with NO lime
Frozen Margarita, or
a Mojito (like a mint margarita) with Cuervo Gold
an Aston (traditional dry gin) Martini with lemon zest (no olive for me, thanks)
and an Old Fashioned with Jack Daniels'

Remember-- you want to stay sober enough to enjoy yourself. You don't want to be puking on the restroom floor at 12:30 am, do you? I didn't think so...

ill come, where do you live.. i mean what bar you going to.. ill be there.. problery pissed thou .. so i wont remeber a thing

57 Chevy. Kinda like a long island, but BETTER! vodka, rum, amaretto, Gran Marnier, creme de noyeax, triple sec, Southern Comfort, little orange juice and pineapple juice. Three aspirins and four days later, you'll feel great!

Non alcoholic and stick with it the rest of your life and you will be a much happier person. Believe me, been there done it.

try a AMF aka Adios or greatfull dead it also depends on what you like to drink irish car bombs are awesome there are alot of good drinks out there you just got to find the ones you like

corona ;]

Try a cheery bomb: it's red bull and cherry vodka, usually served as a shot.

Long Islands: Beginning of the night
Jager Bombs: with your friends having a good time
gorilla fart or 4 horse men :when you want to be done .

Take in this order...have fun...dont drive

A rum and coke is my favorite.
A tom collins is also good.
A bourbon and seven is also good.
If you want something a little bit sour and salty, a margarita.

Happy birthday and have a designated driver or plan on walking home or taking a taxi.

ok. im 14. and heres wut i like already.
Long island ice tea.
Jack Daniels.
Jose Cuervo...Especial Gold!

Firstly, you're lying, there's no way u haven't sipped on something and ur this close... here's a tip, tell everyone at the bar its ur 21st bday and they will buy all ur drinks for you! no suggestions needed!

I'd say keep it simple: Rum & Coke. Otherwise there's red bull & vodka, and cos its ur bday - a chocolate cake - tastes exactly like a chocolate cake, I'm used to it coming in a shot but some wackos make it in a tall glass... have fun!

sex on the beach ,black and white russians,vodka sour,blue moon,hairy fuzzy navel,alleluia,tequila sunset,tequila sunrise any kind of daiquiri,havana zombie, mai tai, bombay smash, havana beach, thats all i can think of right now i hope this helps.

Liquid Cocaine

Dear have some Ice not drink and drive...

dont drink and drive!!! pass out in the car if you have to.well now! ,since you are a newbee to the bar scene you have to pace yourself.and make sure u eat before you go out.start with a grey goose & tonic.then go on to a zombie,followed by a johnie walker black & coke w/ a lime(my favorite).by this time you should be pretty buzzed.learn which drinks you like best and most importantly,wont make you sick in the morning.stay away from the cheap alcohol,like "cuervo gold"

Surfer on acid
Salty Dog
Jedi Mind Trick (I don't remember what goes in this one, and not all bartenders know it, but it's on fire...I remember that much)

And of course, whatever the specialty of the bar giving you your free drink is. Just be sure to space it out..there's nothing wrong with puking your guts out on your 21st birthday, just so long as you make it past last call.

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