Personal question...please help.?!


Personal question...please help.?

Just because i like to drink, and my dad was an alcoholic, does that mean i am one too? even if i do have self control...

well depends on a lot of things, one thing that suggest to me there might be a problem is that you are questioning it and asking others. Does it affect your daily life, family, friends, jobs,etc. ? If you think you could, catch it before it catches you, not a fun path for you or your loved ones as you prob. know all so well~ good luck!

one other thing- you might think you have control and maybe you do, but it sneaks up fast, esp. on the ones that think they have control!

Just because he was doesn't mean you are.

You'll grow out of it.

that doesn't make you one but you should keep a eye on your drinking. alcoholism is passed down in our genes

Not necessarily. It means the odds are greater that you could be an alcoholic, but it's not a definite thing.

well ms. brenda, yes. yes it does. go read a book. naw, eheh, and he said i am not a rape machine stranger.

no, that just means that is runs in the blood. and you need to be extra careful not to get addicted.

It could mean you are alcoholic and if you fear this you should maybe give up alcohol for a little while and that could help. But if you really fear becoming alcoholic talk to you doctor about more ideas about how to steer away from being an alcoholic.

I wish you luck.

no i dont think that as long as you keep that self control, and know that you could be prone to becoming an alcoholic because your dad was. that way if you do catch yourself drinking more than you should then you can get help b4 its too late ya know.

There has been a link of heredity to Alcoholism. So you should be careful. You might not be an alcoholic now, but you are more likely to become one than others, especially if you enjoy drinking too much.

Remember that moderation is one of the most important fundamentals in life.

No but I believe it makes you more prone to addiction. My ex and I both suffered addiction, so I tell my son all the time of the dangers because of his heredity on both sides.......reaching back to our ancestors.
Just be careful.

It really depends on the frequency and the effect that it has on your life during and after intoxication. Really, a parallel to your question, if you do have self control as I trust you are truthful in stating, would be like asking "since my father was a rapist, and I enjoy sex, does that mean that I am a rapist?" I think that so long as you follow the same drinking patterns as one of your peers that you yourself do not consider an alcoholic, and can live with their intake and still hold together your life as you feel it should be, then you are just a responsible drinker.

Alcoholism runs in my family on both sides. I enjoy drinking, but like you say, I have self-control. I am not addicted to drinking. However, one must be careful. Noone sets out to be alcoholic. It has been proven to be genetic. You can go for years without reaching "addiction", and one day there you are. If you are genetically prone to this disease, I would just try to be aware that there are always consequenses to your actions. Addiction can sneak up on you.

yes, i consider it that you ARE alcoholic bcuz you kno you are self contol and EVENTHO you are not, if you kno you are drinking and IS in self control you should stop before its too late for you to even change. hey, while you still have the power to tell yurself to quit it, please do so..

I was in the same situation, see... over time you might loose the self control thing, Sometimes due to depression from whatever is going on in your life. You will get to a point where you feel as if you either keep drinking or stop.
You will have to make that choice. Personally I chose to stop.
Socialably drunk (like everyday or night or everyother night) is one thing but enjoying a glass of wine (or whatever you perfer) here and there then thats ok.
I don't deprive myself on special occations but the hammered part is history.

it depends how often and how much you drink.Say if you drink 3 beers everyday whether or not you get drunk thats an alcolholic.Just be careful & take care.

Theres a difference between an alcoholic and a drunk. A drunk is self explanatory. You constantly drink everyday until your drunk. An alcoholic is someone who drinks even 1 drink everyday, and can't go without even a little. It depends on what you mean by self control....does self control to you mean A) as far as not getting drunk, B) or an occasional drink every so often like on holidays, special events etc. C) Or One drink a day. If you did not choose B as your answer, u may want to consider getting some help.

It means you have a natural tendency to become an alcoholic.
It doesn't mean you are one but it is very probable that you may become one unless you watch your drinking habits very closely. Alcoholism tends to be hereditary.

Hard to say, cause you only say you "like to drink". I think by genetics, one can be predispositioned to being more, or less, likely to developing dependencies - such as alcohol....meaning, from what you have shared, it's possible (that you are an alcoholic), but not guaranteed. That - classification of being, or not being - a alcoholic - depends on how/how often you use alcohol....and HOW it affects you.

Observation of your parent(s) while growing up does have the possibility to impact how you view certain subjects - such as alcohol, and what in your mind consititues "alcoholism". Also, you say your dad was an alcoholic.....since you said that, I am sure you are convinced that is true - but, there is a level of personal interpretation that needs to be factored in when you make that statement.

Bottom line....if you are concerned or questioning the possibility, then you need to step back and look at your life objectively, and decide if you need to make changes.

Just my $.02

BTW - I "bothered" to answer because I could easily make the same statement, and ask the same question. GL

Alcoholic is a habit, it won't pass throught gene. I

See can't force you, but I would just like to request you not to drink. It is really harmful to you. You should stop drinking because it is that that make you its servant and you won't be able to live without it.
Just take it as my advise.
Take care.

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