Is alcoholism hereditery? Should I have a child from an alcoholic?!


Is alcoholism hereditery? Should I have a child from an alcoholic?

Of course it's hereditary. Do you think anybody would volunteer for it? I'm an alcoholic. I'm of Irish descent and they're notorious for it. It has stricken a lot of people in my family tree on both sides. The son of an alcoholic father has a 40% chance of becoming an alcoholic. I'm a lifelong bachelor at 58 and plan to stay that way. When children are adopted, their chance of becoming alcoholic has nothing to do with who raised them. It is decided by who their real biological parents are. Don't even consider marrying an alcoholic if you haven't done so already, and don't have a child by an alcoholic.

Alcoholism is not hereditary. It is a thing of choice and peer pressure. No one is born an alcoholic.

They say there is a tendency to become an alcoholic if the parent is an alcoholic. It is not a sure thing. If you love the person and you think you will have a happy life together I wouldn't worry about what might or might not happen. You could have a child who turned out to be an ax murderer if you married somebody else and had a child.

There might be side effects procreating a child from an alcoholic, my neighbor's son is disabled because of it, we are almost certain that is the reason he was born that way, he is in an almost vegetative state (doesn't speak, eat by himself, cannot chew), ever since his son was born he started going to A.A., I don't know exactly what is wrong with him, but it's a heavy burden, he's over 20 years old...

The others who posted here are dead wrong. The tendency for alcoholism is hereditary. It can be traced through families. Why would you even consider having a child with someone who cannot stay sober and take care of his responsibilities?

Children of alcoholics do have a higher tendency to be alcoholics. It is important that if you do have this child, you teach your child what the risks are and encourage your child to be a responsible drinker or not to drink ata all if the child is letting alcohol run their life.

yes alcoholism is absolutely hereditary who ever wrote the first answer has no clue . that doesn't mean your kid is going to be a alcoholic . Dr drew on love line has discussed this topic a thousand times just means there is a greater chance. personally i Danit even know why anyone would even want to be with a alcoholic let alone have a child with one

What the "experts" say about it! Or at least what I've been told by counselors and whatnot. If a child has a parent that is a true alcoholic it increases their risk of becoming one. My ex-husband is a true alcoholic as is his Father and Mother. While we were married, over 5 years ago, his Step-Mother gave me literature with information about it because we had a child together. If I were you, I'd check out Al-Anon or AA. Contact them, they'll gladly talk to you about it. I just went to my address bar and typed in Al-Anon and got this website . It is a definite consideration when contemplating having children. It is a disease and ruins lives. Lived it! Not fun! It is a choice, true but so is drug addiction. My thoughts and prayers are with you while working through this.

well, what to say. if one's family happen to get used to drink a lot, the new comers probably naturally grow so-called "peer pressure" in that shared habit.

it is just as bad as you can imagine if a child's either parent is addictive to alcohol. although drinking problem is not hereditary, its side-effect remained in a family could be enormous. so before take your bet, better think all over again.

(again, hard to say. for the slicest change that he or she could possibily quit alcohol for good, you might.)

certainly not by choice

The child can be reared without alcohol and with knowledge. I know lots of children of alcoholics that have never drank. This should not be the deciding factor of whether or not to procreate with this person.

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