Have you ever been stoned?!

Question: Whats the funniest thing youve ever done while stoned ?

..Me and my two other friends were on giggles badd!! We were in a park and my friend had a bag with her and for some reason I thought i saw an ear bud in her bag and I was like eh why do you have that in your bag and starte emptying it out to find it (there wasnt really one there). After emptying the bad her cardboard bit was on the floor and my friend stood back, pointed at it and was like is that the cardboard from the bottom of your bag and my friend was like yeah and we were just on the floor laughing!!

Another time (I wasnt there) my friend and his mate were sat on a bench in the park and they started seeing this shadow pop up every so often and bounce about and they were holding onto each other because they were so scared lmao!! They called him banana man!! xD

Answers: Whats the funniest thing youve ever done while stoned ?

..Me and my two other friends were on giggles badd!! We were in a park and my friend had a bag with her and for some reason I thought i saw an ear bud in her bag and I was like eh why do you have that in your bag and starte emptying it out to find it (there wasnt really one there). After emptying the bad her cardboard bit was on the floor and my friend stood back, pointed at it and was like is that the cardboard from the bottom of your bag and my friend was like yeah and we were just on the floor laughing!!

Another time (I wasnt there) my friend and his mate were sat on a bench in the park and they started seeing this shadow pop up every so often and bounce about and they were holding onto each other because they were so scared lmao!! They called him banana man!! xD

ya years ago me and my friend couldnt stop laughing at nothing and then i started hallucinating that there was tin foil on the walls - i no proper random lik
another time though i took so much while drinking aswell and i ended up fainting twice and it felt so wierd and all i could see was black and white, since then aint touched the stuff

ive never been stoned...

yes n it hurt so much lol tc

I just get tipsy...and silly...

Yes. Probably the most outlandish thing i'll admit to doing was wandering around a hospital with my mates at half three in the morning, we all ended up in the hospital chapel preaching to each other from the pulpit. lmfao

Somebody threw a tiny pebble at me once on a beach

Last time I got high, I was 15. After a lot of years without it,I tried it the other week, and was sick for four hours afterwards.

Not worth it.

Yes,but the bones are all healed up now.

yeah, and really really dull dumb stuff seems hilarious

;) x


lmao well 1 tym i 4t i could fly and was running around saying i was flying.
Another time i was sitting in my room and there was a fly on the wall and i could hear it saying to me it was going to eat me lmao i started crying and screaming pmsll--stupid i no lol

I tell you when I get back downnnnnnnnnnnn

Sorry for being prudish , but i can see nothing funny in using drugs

I have been blocked but never stoned.

yeh when i was a kid it gave me giggles too. my mates bro enjoyed it so much and then ended up with drug induced schitzophrenia and will never be able to live a normal life again. i wouldn't bother if i were you. stick to legal stuff.

Yeaa... the first time i got stoned i sat down in the middle of the highway laughing my *** off cuzz my boyfriend dropped his cookie. It was just something about the chocolate and yellow stripe on the highway road that was so funny. Now it doesnt even make sense... lol

I've done some crazy things
but the funniest thing was when we were eating ice cream and I was convinced that I had broken my tooth
and I was saying like, " omg I broke my tooth. But hey it's ok lots of ppl live w/o teeth right, it's not like you really need them."

or one time I was supposed to be at a basketball game and my mom called me and I was at my friends house instead. And to make her believe I was at the game I turned the volume of the soccer vid game we were playing way up so you could hear the cheering from in the game and my mom thought it was actually ppl at the school's game.

I have.

Some idiot throw a massive rock thing at my leg.

What did I do?

Picked up a rock and smashed it around his head.

He soon said sorry. ( And went to the hospital. )

Hi, Yes many years ago i used to go out religiously with my friend Angela, we used to go on the bus and come home on the bus, one night we were drunk and as the bus turned round a sharp corner a guy sitting in front of us literally slid of his seat and onto the floor, because we were drunk we were hysterical laughing, the same night the bus stopped at some toilets so we could go on them, no way would we have gone if we had been sober, but because we were drunk we didn't care. Ahhh!!! those were the day's.


When I was in the marines and stationed in Yuma, AZ I got stoned and wandered off base. I got lost In a huge orange grove with these water canals running all through it. Their were a lot of little white boxes laying around and I opened one up. It was full of bees and they took off after me. After what seemed like hours I wondered back into base and never got that stoned ever again. It was wild. Chalk it up to my dumb youth. I would advise against getting stoned.

hundreds of times.

i have a natural high, wow that sounds dorky, but its true

I'm a loser
A loner
And wanta be stoner

of course! (hehehe)

i was like totally hammered one night and when i got home i saw a hedgehog like on the lawn. i went and got a dish of milk for it and set it on the stoop.

the next morning i went out to see if the hedge hog drank the milk.

it wasn't a hedge hog after all...it was a toilet brush...lol

I live in San Francisco. I have so much amazing memories being stoned out of my mind but I have forgotten them. My memory is shot from smoking so much.

i smoke pot everyday... i love it. im not sure what the "best" thing i ever did while high was since theres so many times, last night i smoked out of an apple pipe and i felt like i was 80 years old and i felt like i was in a movie, its everyday for me haha.


Many times....he, he....but not over the last 6 / 7 years


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