How long does it take after drinking alcohol to get a 0.00 breathtester reading?!


How long does it take after drinking alcohol to get a 0.00 breathtester reading?

I'll be getting my probationary driving license soon, which means having a blood alcohol reading of 0.00 whilst I drive. How long does it take for alcohol to go out of the system so that a breathalyser can't detect it? I weigh about 57 kilos and sometimes have about 6 drinks over 3 hours.

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2 months ago
I wouldn't plan on driving soon after drinking. More talking about whether I'd be 0.00 after 24 hours or so.

2 months ago
I wouldn't plan on driving soon after drinking. More talking about whether I'd be 0.00 after 24 hours or so.

It varies a little from person to person depending on their physical fitness. But on average, it takes about an hour to metabolize one drink. ( i.e. 5 oz wine / 12 oz beer / 1 1/4 oz hard liquor )
6 drinks in 3 hours should put you above the 0.08 mark so you need to sit for an hour or two before you take the wheel.

i wouldnt drive home if i were u then cuz u can get in an accident and get in more trouble and the cops will bust u so stay at someone's crib or rent a motel or hotel

well i wouldn't drive on any alcohol if i was you it not worth it . get a mate to be a sober driver, or get a taxi

It depends on a few factors: amount of alcohol consumed, body weight, and time. Your BAC(blood alcohol content) is what you're measuring. So if you weigh 120lbs, and your friend weighs 180,it will take you longer to process the same amount of alcohol.

Your liver processes alcohol out of your system at the rate of about 1 ounce per hour. So it would probably take about 4 hours from the time of your last drink.

at least 48 hours for a regular drinker and up to 72 hours for occasional drinkers

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