What are some "healthier" alcoholic drinks?!


What are some "healthier" alcoholic drinks?

I like to go out to the bars with my friends every thur. However, I tend to drink beer, and although it is often light beer, I know that it has waaay more calories than I should be drinking. What are some drinks that have less calories in them that would be a better option??? I was thinking either wine or something like bacardi and diet coke or rum and diet coke.....what do you think?

Try Amaretto, ice and pure orange juice.

Although you may have trouble getting this at allot of bars, unless they have a wide variety of liqueurs. Amaretto tastes like marzipan, only not as sweet, very very nice drink and the pure orange is healthy!!!

Favorite Drink!

vodka tonic and use diet tonic if you can

its good to have a glass of wine a day

wine has waaay too much sugar, so does bacardi, stick to light beer.

Red wine! It's the best alcoholic drink for you. Drink water with it too though, to stop you from falling asleep.
A glass or two every day is actually healthy for you.

i often go for Gin and Tonic, wine is not too bad. Of try vodka with fresh orange juice instead of the packaged juices

Red wine is supposed to be good for you. Try a white wine & tonic or maybe vodka/bacardi with diet coke.


bloddy marys pickles olives and tomatoes sounds healthy to me

Jagerbombs are pretty good. They speed your heart up. That has to boost your metabolism.

Red Wine... A glass a day keeps your cholesterol down, and is good for your heart...( Doctor Recommended), it will also relax you, and most of the sugars in wine are natural, therefore your body breaks them down easily. And Michelobe Ultra has far less carbs than most beers and Miller Light runs a close second. As far as calories go, most are probably going to be high.

vodka and gin are the ones with least calories. Rum not a good alternative to beer.

Why alcoholic? There are plenty of non-alcohol alternatives like J20, that taste delicious and don't give you a hangover the next day! If you want to be healthy, alcohol isn't really much of an option.

Red wine is healthy and Bacardi Rum and diet coke with a twist of lime is low calorie, low carb and tasty.

the alcholic drink thats healty is wine, that is in small doses, so no alchol is healthy so get off the grog

pimms and lemonade. it is really good for your digestion

if by "healthier" you mean fewer calories, then a straight shot of vodka has the least amount of carbs/shot. you could thin it out a little with club soda or seltzer water, both of which are low calorie without having to resort to diet tonic (i shudder at the thought! blech). rum is not bad, but let's face it, rum is made from fermented sugar cane... pure sugar...

if calories are your issue, then find a way to burn more calories than you consume. for instance, meet your friends for drinks at a salsa club, and dance the night away. drink one full glass of ice water between every alcoholic drink - it will fill you up and you will drink a smaller volume of alcohol.

calories aside, beer and wine are by far the healthier choice for alcoholic beverages, as both have been shown in studies to have healthful effects, in moderation. note: IN MODERATION. this means 1 or 2 glasses per day or, on the odd occasion 3 glasses.

Miller Lite

They are all bad for you but i like em

no alcoholic drink is healthy and all alcoholic drinks have calories. beer will tend to make you feel bloated because it has yeast in it. red wine is OK as can be an anti oxidant to your body. i suppose mixed spirits with diet cOKe are ok because diet coke don't have much calories but has sugar. but then you really need to think its no use ordering diet coke when your drinking alcohol anyway .your not going to gain 2 kilos in one nite.

A small glass of red wine can actually be good for you.

Are All Alcoholic Drinks Created Equal?
Posted by Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D.
on Fri, Sep 09, 2005, 2:47 pm PDT
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Although alcohol raises blood pressure in regular alcohol drinkers, does the increase in blood pressure depend on the type of alcohol you drink?

Because red wine has a high content of antioxidants and may widen blood vessels, researchers in Australia thought that red wine might raise blood pressure less than beer. Their study enrolled 24 healthy men who had normal blood pressures and regularly drank alcohol in moderation. After 2 weeks of abstaining from alcohol, they drank similar amounts of alcohol, either three 12-ounce beers or two and a half 5-ounce glasses of red wine, daily for 4 weeks.

At the end of the study, both groups had similar modest increases in systolic blood pressures: a 2.9 mm Hg rise with red wine and a 1.9 mm Hg increase with beer. Clearly, the antioxidants in red wine did not prevent the rise in blood pressure. When the men drank similar amounts of red wine from which the alcohol had been removed, blood pressure did not fall.

So the antioxidants in red wine may have some beneficial effects, but they do not seem to lower blood pressure or prevent a rise in blood pressure when men drink red wine.

Bacardi and Diet Coke is best.

white wine

Try a chocolate cake shot, it is absolute and frangelica with a lemon and cherry taste like the real thing and gets kind a nice

a white spirit is better for you with a slim line tonic!

Alcohol has a set amount of calories per whether it is in beer, wine, or distilled spirits.

Light beer is usually produced by replacing alcohol content with water.

So if goal is to diet... AVOID ALL alcohol ! Drink water(if safe).

If a healthy buzz is the desire your safest healthiest alter native would be a true wine. NOT one fortified and just forget about diet anything. Drink more water!

Highest calories- rum, vodka, gin etc/ any drink with sugar or cane syrup etc.

Wine or beer that is brewed(no distilled or fortified products).
Thanks to the power of money JUST because a label is printed stating wine or beer you need to read the fine print to determine if it IS actually wine or beer(PS ZIMA or similar drinks are NOT lemonade or wine or beer they are like diet drinks- manmade chemicals and concoctions...

If goal is to get buzzed- shots of 120 proof have only the calories of the booze... any higher concentration higher will be intolerable due to burning etc... Death from this method can result as the normal method of disposing of alcohol(approximately 1 percent per hour internally) is quickly passed and the bodies normal reaction to poison(throwing up) can be overwhelmed by excess consumption resulting in death.
People NOT in tiptop shape are in even greater danger.

dont go out fatty


Whiskey and Diet Coke.Diet Dr. Pepper laced with vanilla extract plus a packet of artificial sweetening.Whiskey and Diet Dr.Pepper.Be sure to just have three, that shouldn't hurt the diet they are diuretic anyway.
Another is
Coor's lite, probably.I think these have 90 calories per 12 oz.Three is probably not too many. Whiskey has 120 calories per jigger and no carbs.The beer has some carbs but less than regular soda.I think these have 6 to 12 grams of carbs. Healthy is to mix gin and vodka with cranberry sugar free,pineapple/orange,or tomato juice.

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