What is a good remedy for a hangover??!


What is a good remedy for a hangover??

What should you do before you start drinking, and not drinking is not an option!!

before heavy drinking...
1. eat a meal rich in carbohydrates (bread, pasta, pizza) to absorb toxins
2. drink a glass of water
3. begin drinking

While heavy drinking, drink a glass of water here and there so that you hydrate your body (THIS is what prevents the hangover)

4. right before you go to bed drink another glass of water.

You should feel fine in the morning :)



Got this straight from an R.N. -- drink water while you're drinking your favorite adult beverages, and drink a bunch of water right before you go to bed. Yeah, you'll have to get up several times during the night to pee, but you won't wake up hung over. Believe me, I've tried it and it works.

Take Ibuprofren before you go out. Alternate alcohol with water and then switch to just plain water. Wake up early, take some more Ibuprofren and drink more water and sleep as long as you can. This ALWAYS works for me.

Drink lots of water while you are drinking. Alternate between booze and water. While alcohol makes you pee a lot, it does not "miraculously" create urine, it dehydrates you.

Take B Complex and Vitamin C before you start drinking, drink water before you start drinking, occasionally between drinks, and then drink a big glass of water and take 3 aspirin before bed. When you get up, eat something greasy and take more B and C vitamins. Also, there are hangover prevention pills that help to absorb the headache producing toxins in alcohol. Lasst, but certainly not least, choose your alcohol wisely. Hard liquor, especially rum, tequila and Whiskey, cheap liquor of any type and red wine are the worst for producing hangovers.

i heard from a very reliable source that if you drink alot of water before you start drinking then you won't get as bad of a hangover.
or you can do all that crap that you see on tv... like the egg thing. hahaha.
they also have pills to get rid of a hangover that you can get over the counter at like.. rite aid.. or target

BEFORE you start drinking make sure you eat something. When you are drinking atleast try to drink a bottle of water, or atlteast before you go to sleep drink some water. When you wake up in the morning and feel like total crap eat greasy fast food. You'll feel worse when your eating, but if you can force it down you will start to feel better in about 20 minutes. Don't ask me why it works but it does!

for the hangover,fresh fruit for vits,complex carbs to restore you blood glucose`you get the shakes when its low`and protein for amino acids`the building blocks of life`.leave the fat alone,its a lot of work for the liver to process especially after all that alcohol. drink 2 pints of water before bed so you dont get dehydrated over the night.trust me its like a miracle cure.

this is what you should do before you start drinking...take hangoff. You'll rarely ever get a hangover during the night.

Well I'd say sleep helps the most, but there are some other little things you can do to help too.

When you've come back from drinking, drink maybe 2-4 big glasses of water, eating something after you've been drinking helps too.
The next morning it's best to try drinking loads of fluids, like water, orange juice, but not tea because it's a diarettic (Excuse the spelling) and does the oppisite to what you want.

Eating something like egg or bread or something like that will help, but don't try milk or it will curdle in your gut and then you'll see what you ate the day before for the second time!

I guess Paracetemol would be an idea too depending on how bad the headache is.


little overdose of negatives there.

A beer or a drink does it.

I joke about lots of things, but on a related
serous topic, you can get a dewey or a DUI
on the next day, when you are hungover.
And all you can do is wait it out, doesn't
matter what you do about your hangover.
And if you need to, buy a blood alcohol
tester on the day you get sloshed, before
you start partying.


I have found that if you take ibuprofen right before going to bed after drinking and then the next morning eat a Tiger's Milk protein bar with a glass of water - you will have no headache, no nausea and no hangover!

Before you start drinking eat a nice greasy meal (McDonalds or something) and also take a couple of Ibuprofen.

Drink some water during the time your are drinking,

And when you are done, before sleeping, drink a big glass of cold water.

When you get up, eat a Umibashu plum.

Maybe drink water in between the good stuff(alcoholic drinks). But if you already have a hang over, I find the best cure is Burger King(or another fast food).

Just drink plenty of water throughout the whole night of drinking I know that isn't so fun but it will help with your hangover in the morning.

Also right before you go to bed take a couple of tylenol or ibprofen not too much that will just increae your hang over. You will be a happy camper in the morning if you do those 2 things.

You can prevent a hangover by drinking a LOT OF WATER before going to bed. It dilutes the alcohol and eliminates those nasty headaches.
Never drink on an empty stomache. Eat a healthy meal first and snack while drinking.

Don't drink too much in the first place,

My boyfriend swears by taking a vitamin and drinking a bottle of water before bed

I've also done this after a heavy drinking session and wake up great

Prevention is ALWAYS the best remedy. A hangover is meant to provide a reason to abstain. If banging your head against the wall causes headaches, should we continue to bang our head against the wall, as long as we drink a lot of water and take a couple of ibuprofen before bedtime. You be the judge.

You hear that, that's me stepping off my soapbox.

Take Chasers the night before. I swear by them

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