How do you make moon shine?!


How do you make moon shine?

Windex and Bounty usually does the trick..

Moon does not just shine by itself scientifically speaking. It could be seen from Earth is due to the reflection of the sun ray. Thus, there will be one day where the moon cannot be seen as the sun is being blocked by the Earth from to the rotating.

You need to build a 'Still' (short for distiller)
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Cheers! Mine's a large one.. (though I hate to brag..) Lol. :)

Well, although it's illegal to make it, here is the recipe.
Potatoes, barely or wheat sugar, these are boiled in a copper container. the (steam) is then run through a cooling presses until a clear liquid is produced. this clear liquid is then put into a further copper container and the same procedure is repeated. Don't spill any on your clothes, Mighty powerfully stuff, cleans ovens like magic. Hope this has helped.

First you need a 15 gallon garbage container, plastic is fine but you also need it to have a lid. Now fill it almost full with water, dissolve around 5 lbs of sugar into the water, make sure it is completely dissolved. Now add an 8 ounce package of yeast and mix it well with the sugared water. Put on the lid but leave a space for the gas to escape. After about a week you have the basic mixture to begin distilling.
Now you need a still. There are many ways to make a still but just use your search engine and type in "Home Still". The 15 gallons of "mix" should boill down to about 5 gallons of 180-190 proof drinkable alcohol. Unless you really like to burn your guts out it is recommended you cut the final brew by about 2/3 water into a one liter bottle of 1/3 190 proof alcohol. This should result in around an 85 proof drink. Mine always went better when mixed with Coca-Cola. Good luck. Oh Yes, one other thing. 180-190 proof alcohol is highly flammable so don't do all this work around an open flame or while you are smoking.

Moonshine is illicit spirits mostly whiskey made by local people,it is unlawful to make as there is duty tax on spirits.and making your own spirits was a way to escape paying duty tax.It's called moonshine as it was usually made at night to escape getting caught by the law..I,E, by moon light..thus "moonshine" Moonshine is made from either oats . wheat, corn,sweetcorn.or barley.this is mixed with yeast and sugar,and water.sometimes renit is used to help the fermentation.In Russia they make illicit vodka using corn and potatoes, can make spirits out of almost any kind of fruit .vegetables or nuts..but you must be careful,some are lethal and deadly poisonous..In your search bar type "moonshine recipe" this will give you many variations..good luck..

They made it out of potatoes in The Great Escape movie.

i know someone who made a basic drinkable version in prison. he used hot water, sugar and fresh orange juice. for the yeast he used dried bread. the mixture was then left hidden for a few days on a hot water pipe. it was then filtered through some gause. the left over gooey mixture could be used as a kicker in the next brew and the filtered liquid could be drank. it tastes like **** (apparently) but gets you pissed. technically this is hooch and not moonshine so i just typed all that for buggar all!!

it's a reflection from the sun!!!!! lol

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