Why do people drink in drive?!


Why do people drink in drive?

like when they drink in drive add least one person gets hurt and even get killed

Huge parts of this country are based and dependent on the automobile.

Many social activities are based around alcohol.

People go to restaurants, bars, parties, etc... where alcohol is served.

What happens next is a choice! Drive yourself, or make alternate arrangements.

Alternate arrangements means:

Planning and sacrifice had to happen BEFORE the event so that someone is sober to drive.

Expense or inconvenience is incurred by paying for a taxi.

Paying for a hotel room.

Paying for or getting someone else else to drive to go get the car left behind the night before and the time and inconvenience that goes with that.

Making the decision about these choices while still sober because impairment means poor judgment.

Most people get in their car when drunk believing that nothing bad will happen to them. They will be the lucky one. They don't weigh the certain cost of prudence verses the uncertain cost of consequences . Zero if nothing happens, but when it does the costs are high: arrest, stigma, legal expense, loss of license, loss of job and income, loss of family, and then the big ones: injury, death, and imprisonment.

It's gambling pure and simple ... and no gambler always wins. Too many (the stupid ones) just think they will.

Because they're stupid.

Because they have no respect for themselves or others.....

becuase they are too stupid to plan ahead and to cheap to get a cab

too cheap for a taxi

because they think they can handle it........they think they know their limit.........and some just don't care about their life or the life of anyone else. But why do we always question the drinkers........there are plenty people who do drugs and drive, but we never hear about them. Ummmmmmmmmmm

Because they are stuipd, and when people go to partys it should be the host of the party to take their keys I always do, or I have drivers that will take people home, drinkng is not worh your or somelses life.

most people drink and drive because they think its fun

i think the reason they drink and drive is because theey started drinking in the first place ,if the person didnt drink at all they wouldnt be dribking and driving...

Because they have not yet realized that driving while they are drinking actually interferes with their Drinking!!!!!!!!

maybe they think that they can hold they liquor and in the sense of rash judgement they drive

When you get drunk, your ability to think smart gets impaired. A person will disregard any sensible idea that may pop in to their head when you've been drinking. Like letting someone call you a cab. Or having a designated driver. Getting drunk makes you....well...stupid, literally.
That's why it's always smart not to get drunk in the first place.

People have a choice if they want to get behind the wheel after they have a few drinks. Just think about your consequences before you decide to drive!!!

So I can extricate them from their now totaled car/truck, treat them,and charge them a fortune for taking them to the hospital in my AMBULANCE!

When people are drunk, they think they are invincible. Often if they want to go home they believe they are fine to drive no matter how wasted they are. Because alcohol takes away ones inhibitions and judgements, and are not as in control of their minds as they could be. People who drink and drive are making judgments that they think are right, when they are actually wrong.

To get home. Sometimes cabbies take too long and then they refuse to go through the White Castle Drive-Thru. Don't be such a hater.

Because they aren't thinking when they drink. They are incapable of thinking ahead and what may happen

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