Is never drinking water bad for you?!
Answers: my grandpa never drinks water. all he drinks is coffee and beer. he says that there is enough water in beer or sumthin. but i dont believe him. is it healthy not to drink water and just beer and coffee??
It's not the best way to go about things, but it won't hurt him. A long time ago, European countries would drink beer (rather than water) because they knew it wouldn't make them sick.... turns out the fermentation process was killing the bugs! So no worries!
ps. Your gpa is getting water from his food too.
Yes. Our bodies are made up mostly water. We lose a lot everyday through sweating, breathing, etc and drinking water to put back in what we lost is essential. I doubt coffee and beer is enough.
Good for him. Bartenders like me rely on people like your grandpa for business. Too many people today are healthier and drinking less. You know, if it wasn't for the junior high school next door no one would even use the cigarette machine.
So *I'm* dumb huh? Try not posting like a nitwit if you want good answers yourself.
While coffee and beer contain water like any other beverage, things in them also help make water go straight through instead of getting absorbed by the body as well as it should. That is why they warn people to avoid alcohol when it's really hot out, because it doesn't replenish the body when you are sweating all the water out of your system and I think might make you sweat it out faster.
You should be drinking your weight, in ounces of water per day
Every part of nature needs water. Plant life, human, animals, etc. sure some of the things we consume are MADE from water but pure water cannot be replaced. Yes we do need it. Trust me. I drink beer but I also drink plenty of water. If he is getting enough water from beer and/or coffee and is almost 100 yrs old and wrinkly, I guess he survivied. Healthy? Nope.
that study that said u need 8-10 glasses of water a day was reviewed and they discovered that they left out the part where u get most of ur water from food and drinkin everyday stuff like coffee and beer...based on that id say gramps is fine
Coffee and beer are mostly water. Not the best sources but still mostly water becasue too much cafiene and alcohol are not good for you.
The whole eight glasses of water a day comes from army survival guides. They had the choice of drinking water or dying of dehydration. Having food and drink with water in it does contribute to staying hydrated.
There is water in beer and coffee as well as fruits, vegetables, and even dairy products. But it's still a good idea to drink water because it is cleaner and will purify your body from the inside.
All I drink is water that contains Barley and Malt....