Who here loves to drink?....?!


Who here loves to drink?....?

I love to drink! My only problem is sometimes I overdo it. Yeah...not good. What I'd like to know is what are some good measures to take to maintain a good buzz instead of getting sloppy drunk? Please no irrelevant answers about me attending any "meetings". Thanks guys!

I'm a jack and coke guy....beer does the trick too, but mimosa's on the weekend are the ticket!!!

Now to help you,,,,,

Eat a good meal a few hours before you go out drinking. It helps to have food in your system. Also drink water the day before and day you plan on doing serious drinking. Also have some water as you're drinking. Don't go crazy and drink gallons, just keep your system hydrated. There are also some pills you can take before you drink and while your drinking, most pharmacies and grocery stores carry them.

Hope that helps

17 years experience drinking and 3 years bartending.....

I only drink to excess!

Never more than 3 beers a day, but no less than 1 a day.

drinking is bad try to not get a habit of it

Learn a limit and then take it slow

just slow it down, you dont have to drink so fast. Also make sure you eat first

only having the amount of liquor in your house that you can drink socially

Well, I do certainly enjoy my two martini's or my two glasses of wine each evening. I have found that stopping at two is far more enjoyable for me than when in my younger days I would dring as much as I could.

I love to drink. I love to go out and have a good time. I don't like to get wasted, although sometimes that is needed, but I do like to go get a good buzz and feel happy and goofy for a while. I like to stop when I get to the point I may be pushing a hangover if I'm not careful.

My favorites are tequila for shots and vodka for mixers.

Drink a 8 oz. water between each drink. It'll slow you down a touch, and it will keep you from getting dehydrated. Dehydration is what causes that nasty headache the morning after.

pace your self if your limit is 2 aday stick to it if not AA meetings are nice

only on family occasions...

Stay in the green to yellow zone...(green good to go, yellow drink cautiously and red stop drinking you're drunk!)

Eat some food before or during your drinking, this slows down the alcohol consumption process...

Limit yourself to 2-3 drinks

Remember each ounce of alcohol takes appx. 1 hour to exit your bloodstream.

Coffee and Cold Showers will not sober you up, only time will.

eat a good meal before you start so you do not get drunk too fast Also avoid carbonated beverage thy will get you drunk faster

i love to drink to but i dont know how to control myself and u know something i dont want to because those are the best time of my life

I love to drink and I am damn good at it thank you very much. hahah. here is the key to maintaining a good buzz: You have to give your body time to react to the drinks you have had. So drinking a lot in a short period of time will end up sloppy.


I am a self-confessed wine addict. I love wine of all forms - White...reds...blushes....rose... no difference to me. What I've found is just go slow and enjoy it. Do it while you're having fun. Time flies when you're having fun, and so consequently you drink slower because you're distracted. Additionally - eat! Alcohol it's food's best mate. Also, never drink in a bad state of mind. You will always overdo it. Especially if you're alone and in a bad state of mind.

drink slowly, and eat something as you drink. it slows down the absorbtion of the alcohol, and also learn to know what your limits are. plus you need to take some responsibility when drinking. there is nothing wrong with having a few drinks, but you should also know when to stop.

Im afraid i have no guaranteed to work answers for you, i always end up overdoing it when i drink, i think its because im never sick so i just keep drinkin and end up getting rotten drunk. I do try and drink plenty of water and eat before i go out drinking tho, this definitely helps. Also i have to be in the right frame of mind for drinkin, if im depressed or tired then i tend to get drunker faster.

I love to drink, but I drink responsibilly.......you want some good measure to maintain a good buzz, and thats called "self-control". Set your limit before hand. If I am at club from 10 to 2, I only have 3 to 4 drinks. I drink vodka and pineapple or vodka and cranberry juice........

i dont know any measures

Not me, Tried it, and there,s no Future in it. To many people like to drink, and they can be Disgusting

I like to drink but have a low tolerance and I can get drunk quick and have bad hangovers. I only drink maybe once a month because of it. I've learned that eating a good meal before a night of drinking is a definite must. Also, if you drink til you feel a buzz, drink one more drink after that, then start alternating water/soda with your alcohol - a whole glass of water, then a beer, a whole glass of water then another beer. That way, your hands are full but it's buying you time you let the alcohol work it's way out. Pee when you first feel it, don't hold it or you'll pee your pants. And it helps to snack here and there too. Avoid shots, or limit it to one at the beginning to get you warmed up- I wish I had a dollar for every time I said "I shouldn't have done that shot."

YEa i love to drink to!!!! I over do it sometimes to...but it easy!! I am such a light weight

Unfortunately drinking affects people in a progressive way. What was a reasonable amount last year may get you totally f***ed up this year. Or even better, you may build up a tolerance and be able to drink twice as much. Good luck. We willl save you a seat for later.

I love to drink. And to not get wasted, how about eating before you go out drinking, having water while drinking. You should be able to know when you are drunk and that you should stop there. I know when I'm drunk when my face goes numb. As long as I stop after that, I'm always fine.

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