Is Alcoholism hereditary?!


Is Alcoholism hereditary?

I would say no.

However if you are around alot of people, i.e family who is constantly drinking, it will make a person curious or looking for a way to get away from it so they think the drinking can do that.

I have seen that occur. I have also seen households where alcoholic use leads to abusive relationships, that behavior passes down a generation. That in itself is not hereditary.

Yes addictive behavoir can be linked to genes

I know one alcoholic who had noone else in his family that drank but on the other hand my dad's whole family did. The experts tell you that it is. I think its just an emotional crutch for them. I don't think it's hereditary.

I do not believe that alcoholism is a "real" disease such as cancer or diabetes. I also do not believe that it can be genetically passed, I do however think it is learned from ones parents in some cases. I think it is too easy to blame ones problems on an addiction rather than taking responsibility for a character weakness.

Yes. The tendency to become an alcoholic can be passed down in families. That does not mean that because my Dad and Grandpa and brother are all alcoholics that I will be. If I never touch alcohol in the first place I will never be dependent on it. Knowing that I have this in my genetic makeup has made me consciously avoid alcohol, or any mood altering and illicit drugs. It is by avoidance that I can keep from falling victim to this destructive disease.

Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. Alcoholics can stop drinking but are never cured. Hence the term recovering alcoholic. They cannot "control" their drinking by cutting back, they must stop and to stop they must want it for themselves. Yes, it is a behaviorial thing but as with most addictions it is also a very physical dependency that can be overcome with willpower. This must come from within. Unfortunately most alcoholics never find the strength or willpower to overcome. My grandpa did only after he had throat cancer, my dad did only after it nearly killed him. My brother is still trying to find his way. He has been through 3 marriages, has five kids he doesn't see or support, has trashed credit and is now living with a friend and unemployed with nothing but what can fit in his suitcases.

Probably not. But what does it matter? The study that was done on this was done on Fruit Flies. And even though fruit flies have a lot of the same DNA as humans they are not humans. And the study even mentions this towards the end.
People in AA who are clinging to the idea that it is hereditary should stop. Because all they are really doing is acting like victims. I am in AA and am not a victim. I am an Alcoholic because i drank too much. They seem to be relieved that it wasn't there fault that they're alcoholics. Let me ask you this: What good does it do any of us to know "why" we are alcoholics? None! Take responsibility for your self for once in your life.
Believe me: If the parents are drinking, using drugs or smoking cigs before during and after the conception of a child then chances are that these chemicals are in the babies blood stream making it more likely that they will become adicted to these chemicals as it will set off a reaction if and when they ever decide to take them. And i just made this up. It could also be considered a 'learned' behavior because remember: Our kids are going to do what we do sooner or later..
It is also against the 10th Tradition to even be mentioning this in an AA meeting.
The topic is controversial at best and a complete waste of time. So just forget about it and follow the instruction in the Big Book of AA. And if and when you ever find in the first 164 pages a chapter that talks about "why" were Alcoholics then please call me.
God Bless!

Yes there is a genetic factor involved. They are only just now looking into it

As for myself, I believe it is.My family has a long line of drinkers in it.I am strong and have stayed away all my life from it and will continue to forever..I think it can become a permanent fixture at family gatherings and that is why the younger ones think that it is normal..My opinion only.

My father drank all his life and now i drink heavily.It is my fault and cant blame it on anything but myself.My answer from hands on experience is no

yes in many cases. I am mentoring some kids ( all brothers) whos father died ( due to alcoholism ) one of the older brother just started drinking and he is already hooked

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