How does drinking lots of beer/lager give you a belly?!


How does drinking lots of beer/lager give you a belly?

Surely everytime you went to the toilet, you would pee it out!

coz it still contains calories from the barley and hops and and the other fattening chemicals that go into it these days!!!!

Cos the next day you can't get out of bed and just eat crisps (and that cold pizza you brought home)

Beer contains lots of carbohydrates which you're not in a state to burn off after a few. On top of that it makes you crave fatty foods - hence the beer gut.

when you drink alot of brews, its alot of calories, even a light beer at about 100 calories each can add up, considering you should olny consume about 2-3000 calories a day, so you do gain weight if you do this consistantly

If you drink lots of beer, you gradually turn into, what is generally known as, a beer monster.

Beer monsters are fundamentally different from humans in some ways.

Firstly they can talk without the use of cons-tenants, and while doing this, only other beer monsters can understand.

The beer monster can also communicate with god using the great white telephone ( using mostly vowels ), this must be done in the kneeling position due to the effort put into this operation.

Just as camel's who store water in the hump, beer monsters drink an excess of beer, some for present consumption, and some for storage in case of beer shortage.

Deprive any beer monster of his/her beer, and the reverse hump decreases in size.

Note: Female beer monsters also have saddle bags and jugs for extra storage, but this is because they are generally more lucky than there counter parts.

Well, yeah, but it's the calories in it! Sure every time you go for a piss you burn some of them off.

Having gone along with the standard blurb I have to say the following:

I've seen loads of alkies, drinking stuff in a day that would kill you & me in a week, & being well fed from mobile "soup kitchens". I never saw a fat one though.

So there you go...

I don't have a beer belly, it is a protective cover for my rock hard abdominals.

simple beer and larger contain lots of calories they store if not burnt of through exercise so if you drink,and eat and do no exercise you get a belly also if you drink fizzy pop you bloat as there is no fat in larger/beer or fizzy drinks i would recommend a 5 mile run at least 3 days a week

Bear in particular contains barley, this means that it has loads of carbohydrates, which contail many more calories.

Like with bread, if you eat loads then you will get fatter, the bear just goes 'straight' through the system as its a liquid.

Another point is, once you have had the first, its hard to say no to the second. Especially if you drink in rounds. So what was meant to be just the one, turns into a drunken fest.

No cause its got loads of fat and calories in it.

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