Where can i get a fake ID?!


Where can i get a fake ID?

That actually works in black light and has a flippin hologram? Please help! I can't wait one whole year!

Just wait the year - what is the hurry to grow up and go partying.

Don't be in such a rush to grow up. Wait the one lousy year.

dont get a fake one get a real one its not ard and if you get a fake one you can go to jail

idk how far away you are, but new york city, on eighth avenue in the lower 40 streets theres alot of soulviner and head shops that sell them, around 30 for the bad ones and up to 100 for the good ones.

Ya thats against the law case u havent noticed. I'll visit you in jail, kk? Really, thats just totally stupid. Wait the year. You'll be glad you did.
~Peach L

young lady,wait the year,It's not worth going to jail over.

I don't know because I have never gotten one but you probably could get one if you ask around. I definitely wouldn't bother if I were you, though, whats the joy in pretending to be older than you are? Not to mention that its probably illegal. Before you know it you'll be old enough to go wherever you want...time flies. Just be strong and don't cave into peer pressure, and there are many many other things you can do to enjoy your time and have fun in a legal manner.
But its your life - be careful and stay safe no matter what.

my fake id was acctually a real licence, and it worked fine. it just wasnt me. i found it in the back of a clothes dryer we got from the auctions.... lucky it looked remotlely like me! i know chances are, you wont be able to find one that way, but maybe you could get one of your friends or siblings or realtives (cousin maybe?) licences, then pay them the money to get a new one, so then you have a real licence?
ive heard of allot of people that do that here, and it seems to work fine

Dont worry about it...It's one year. Dont start drinking so soon (Granted, I am 17 and HAVE had alcohol in the past). The sooner you start drinking, like REALLY drinking to where you would need a fake ID, the worse you liver will be. Trust me when I tell you, you do not what your liver to go bad. It is the worst thing in the world to watch someone you love die of liver desiese. I should know, my uncle whom i've lived with for over 12 years died recently (3-31-2007) of liver desiese. I'm not saying that everyone that drinks will get liver desiese but I'm just putting out a friendly warning. So, just wait the year.


dumb *****

if this was 10 years ago id say make one...but those holograms really screwed everything up for you youngins. if u have money, google it and order one

you can pick one up at the jail. it will save you and the cops time if you just go there now.

you can buy my old license--lol

well these days it might cost ya some bucks, but they were alot easier a while ago. wait the year, cuz at some point you might get caught, or just go to fake id's.com and see what there is to offer. Good luck!

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