How much alcohol is too much for me?!
can someone tell me?
Answers: I am 113 lbs. female. and do not eat alot during the day. I have a pretty good tolerance but I need to start learning my limits.
can someone tell me?
There's no way you can possibly factor in your weight, your metabolism, appetite, food intake, or tolerance to determine exactly what your limit is. It's a myth that someone smaller or someone who eats little can not hold their liquor. "A pretty good tolerance" isn't very definitive... I can handle 7-8 white russians in a night... but I started taking some meds that hogged my liver and... 1/4 of a white russion had me fubar'd, haha!
I would say... if you're asking... you're probably not 21!
However, if you DO drink, 21 or not, just pay attention to how you feel, what you think, etc. The first effects of alcohol are usually a bubbly, party feeling - and that's when you should STOP DRINKING. Give it an hour, and then have maybe another drink. A good trick is to do a drink, then a glass of water, then another drink. If you want, just tell people the water is really vodka, order it in some funky glass or something. My best friend got pregnant, but came out as our designated driver all the time - we'd order her shots of milk!!! It was great fun.
Anyhow, the "trick" to having a great time out, or at a party, is to always have a drink in your hand, and get a good buzz going... but no one ever says you have to drink constantly! Sip the same drink daintily, all night long, and your friends won't notice... best of all, you'll still have your wits about you, and you won't get a hangover.
Whatever you do, don't go near the beer bong... there's a guy in my city that's being tried for murder now, cuz he slipped some liquor in the beer bong, and the girl drinking didn't realize it wasn't just beer... and she died from alcohol poisoning faster than they could dial 911. Sad to see that happen, she was just 18, too!
And... that handbook linked says you can't even have 1 drink, that's a possible DUI right there. Maybe one drink an HOUR.... get to that water, missy! lol
It's trial and error. You need to discover your limit yourself. But a good indication is when your face starts to feel hot, stop.
If you have to 'learn your limits' then I suspect you better quit while your ahead, it sounds like you are having some trouble being able to identify what your limits are....and when it comes to potentially addictive behaviors, thats not a very good usually ends up being bad news
too many factors. Your metabolism, your tolerance, your activities while your drinking and the duration, what you have to do the next day.. etc. For someone as small as you i wouldnt drink more than 3-4 drinks in a 2-3 hour period. Anymore than that and youll probably be drunk and damaging your body.
Link to California's DMV's alcohol consumption chart to approximate Blood Alcohol Content
There is way to many factors that contribute to your 'limit'.
Best thing is to avoid mixing beer and liquor.
Stay away from darker liquors (whiskey,rum,etc If you want to avoid hangovers)
Obviously you drink to get drunk, so get drunk and once you are getting a good buzz for every additional drink you have drink a glass of water.
The way that I judge it, When I can't get up I fiqure I had enough for now....