Does alcohol help with...?!


Does alcohol help with...?

being more careless and more outgoing? because im kind of shy and i was wondering if drinking would make me more loose. im not 21 yet, but im sick of being kind of shy and reserved. also, do you think it is a good idea for me to drink to get over shyness? i know its wrong, but i dunno how else to deal w/ it ...? please help!

please don't drink to get over inhibitions and shyness
there is nothing fundamentally wrong with occasional drinking but using it as a crutch to give you confidence could be a deadly path towards alcohol dependence

to overcome your shyness, there are several things you can do.
i) take part in activities that you enjoy - people with common interests find ways to interact
ii) join a club or church or other social activity
iii) take part in a team sport
iv) smile - if you look approachable then people will talk to you
v) ask people a question - for example - ask about someone's dog, or to borrow a section of the newspaper....
vi) get a close friend to include you in activities
vii) help at a charity, volunteer ..

the big thing here is to do stuff

Please talk to your parents, friends, doctor, pastor - they can help here as well.

thats sad if you're relying on alcohol to be more outgoing. just talk.

Yes, it does help with opening up a bit, but don't use it for that because you will just get addicted. Just have the courage to be more outgoing. Start off by saying Hi to a stranger, sometimes this leads to more conversation. Good luck...
Been there, done that....

They don't call it liquid confidence for nothing.

yeah, it does
it also makes ugly people look prettier

no, it will just get you pregnant

Anything and everything that has ever happened bad in my life was alcohol related. Wipe out the mass media crap and realize at your tender age that Alcohol is BAD any time any place.

Don't resort to alcohol. It may make you lose your inhibitions, but put you in a situation that you may not normally consider - like a one night stand. Take a speech class at your local college, become a sales clerk, join a club - all of these things will help you talk to people.

Alcohol can definetly eliminate shyness. It won't really solve much in everyday life but it can help make new friends and have some good nights out.

It will make you really losse when i started drinking i got really losse just don't drink @ home

You have to be careful. I'm like you (20 years old and shy). People like us who drink to "loosen up" are way more likely to become dependant on alcohol to me social and end up being alcoholics. If you want to have a drink now and then that's fine, but be careful about using it solely for being more outgoing.

I dont think that you should solve this problem with drinking! Expecially that you are not 21 yet, why would you be drunk all the time??? You should just spend more time with your friends and meet with new people but please... dont drink!

both. but alcohol does get people in a whole lot of trouble. being kind and shy and reserve is not a problem. kind is good. shy is not that good - stand up for what you know is right. reserve is not good - most likely you need to go out more often. that should take care of your shyness.

good luck!

Yes it takes away alot of things most of which you will realize you would like to keep/have back!! Is your shyness with everyone or just guys? Work with the public awhile as hard as it is at first it works...Good Luck!

People do get loose when they are drinking but i would not recommend becoming reliant of alcohol it can be damaging to your health an also addicting,just be you.People will love you for who you are,you should not have to alter who you are to be happy!!!

No alcohol just makes you make stupid decisions.

I'll tell ya how to get over being shy. STOP CARING. I don't mean stop caring about life ether. I mean stop caring about whats going to happen when you talk to some one. Just open up and start a yapping. Whats the worst that can happen. They say ther not interested in you. Great! Now you know ther not the one of the ones you want to be with. Move on to the next person. Remember be you're self. Being some one else is to hard and not satisfying.

Yes it will. And dont listen to all the ppl who are gonna say, ohhhh...NO! alcohol is bad. Dont do it. They dont know what the **** theyre talkin about. Ppl that say that are waaay outta touch with reality. Dont get me wrong, I dont agree with driving while your drunk and all that ****, but, alcohol in moderation, will do wonders. **** the haters, drink up!

Alcohol is NOT the solution for ANYTHING.
As of being shy and reserved - a lot of people are - so what? People are different, and that's the beauty of life. However, if you don't want to be one - make it a habit of 'not being shy', and by that I mean 'talk when you don't feel like', but surely not gibberish, participate in team work and be a contributor - because changing ones nature is difficult - but making habits are just a matter of practice. So to sum up practice not being shy. It is difficult to start with but habits are difficult to get rid of.

Not really.It may for just a little bit but you end up sick for days.Its not the best route.Having a friend over would be lots better

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