Why does my alcoholic partner criticize me when I drink?!
Answers: He has multiple DWIs' yet when I go have some drinks with friends, he belittles me. Yes, sometimes I will drink too much but I still function and hold a job. He still drinks daily anything he can get his hands on, yet to hear him say it, he never gets drunk. I have seen him go on 3 and 4 day binges without any sleep, showers or food. I can't even keep anything at home for myself cause he will wipe it out. Then I find him on here posting crappy complaints about me.
Maybe cause you're a gal. And seems to me its a male ego thing, perhaps belittling gals.
You know how guys are, we can't make them feel any inferior and gals can't be more superior.
If he's somebody you care for, then u gotta 'stroke' his ego a little bit. For instance, 'How you can drink so much' or 'oh what a good drinker...'
ALL LIES but if it makes him feel good. That's the first step.
Then after that its trying to make him shower or clothe up. As usual, gotta 'boost' his ego by saying 'Oh u smell sexier after a shower' or stuff like that.
Sounds like crap, but hey, that's how men are.
Idiots right?
(i'm a man and i know how sometimes we can be the world's biggest jerks... so hope this helps!)
I'm glad my answer helped!
The make-out sex must have been lovely~
But do keep the alcohol level in tab ya? Dun want him getting egoistic again rite?
Have a great weekend ahead!!! Report It
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