What is the difference between getting high or being drunk?!


What is the difference between getting high or being drunk?

By getting high I assume you mean Marijuana. Being high on Marijuana seems to change from person to person. For some it just makes them more laid back and feel good. For me, I get into a zone. The zone is where I think about my thoughts and weird things going on that normally I just do naturally. Marijuana and video games are a great combination. Marijuana and getting scared or paranoid is a terrible combination.

Getting drunk you care a lot less what others think about you. You feel a little more confident and often times don't have to think before doing things. This plus a buzz on your body.

I assume you are a teenager who has never experienced this stuff before. Luckily you have the internet where we older people can tell you our experiences and you can get what you want from them.

Unfortunately you have to try them to understand. I don't recommend you go smoke a lot of pot, or drink alot of alcohol. Either way will result in a bad experience. Talk to your parents, it may be more helpful then you think.

I've had a few beers tonight.

the statement of charges from the fuzz

Being high is from drugs. Drunk is from alcohol. They are two very different feelings. you'd have to fell them to understand it.

Well, getting drunk is perticuarly from consuming too much alchohol, and getting high is from taking drugs, such as Marijuana and Speed

Getting drunk is easier to control.

high is like 3 dimensional and been drunk is awesome

Being drunk--When you have lots and lots of beer or something like that and you get a little loopy...well really loopy. Then you go driving and get pulled over for running a red light and get a DUI and go to court and jail and get prosecuted for the indangerment of lives of civilians
Getting High-- You get a song named after you...we fly high...well maybe not..its just different okay, may i ask why u want to know you felony!!!!! JK!

Getting drunk is when you drink alcohol excessively, and it messes with your brain. Getting high is the same except with drugs.

There is no difference. You can be high and drunk at the same time. But you can be a little high without being drunk. It all depends on how much you've had to drink.

High - usually involves an illegal substance.
Drunk - usually involves alcohol, which is legal - unless you are a minor.

depends on what kind of high

getting drunk-only involves drinking alcoholic beverages
getting high-involves substance abuse like doing acid ,sniffing permanent markers,sniffing 100%alcohol solution (no really) and sniffing some other reagents in your average chemistry class.

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