I Drink mon-fri. Am I an alcoholic?!


I Drink mon-fri. Am I an alcoholic?

I just can't help it. I'm under alot of stress this is my way of coping with it. I get home I clean, make dinner and then I turn on my computer and crack open a bud light.

At least you "get home", which suggests you work. And you clean and make dinner. So far, you're golden. But Bud Light? Sheesh. You'll never reach alcoholic status drinking that crap, so don't worry about it.

Bottoms up, darling. This Bud's for you.

i'm sorry but yes u r

Uh, if you have to ask, yes.

In my opinion, yes. You are an alcoholic.

Many people drink every day and still lead productive normal lives but they are still alcoholics.

tomorrow when you get home, clean, make dinner turn on your computer and DON'T open a bud light. If you can't make it through the evening without the idea of not drinking that bud, or you break and drink one, you're an alc.

No you are not. A alcoholic is someone who drinks over and over through out the day. I think one beer a day is okay if you don't over due it.

Do you feel like you have to do this or can't get through your day without it?
If this is so, then yes, you probably should seek some help to quit.
Good luck

This is a difficult question to answer.

Being an alcoholic has little to do with how much you drink, it has to do with "Why" you drink.

If you are habitually drinking, and cannot stop as you say, due to being unable to deal with the normal stress in your life then there is indeed a high likely hood of you being an alcoholic. If it is a single bud light to help you relax at the end of a hard day and if you wouldn't fly off the handle if you didn't have a beer then most likely you have little to worry about.

Unless you are actually getting drunk nightly.

I would recommend trying the following:
Do not have a Beer after your next work day. If you absolutely MUST have the beer then you should contact a local AA group immediately. They can help you find other methods to deal with the stress in your life.

and that's it ? sounds to me you're more like a workaholic..:-) nah... alcoholic is when people drink themselves to death and like get to sleep drunk. Also alcoholics drink like from in the morning when they get up with no respect whatsoever to anything - all they want is their booze.

Nah, you sound like me (except for the cleaning lol) - long hectic days at work, dinner and some wine to wind down and of course the pc..:-)

Going by the definition of alcoholics annonimous, yes, you and I are

well its a BUD light, so u haven't reached the alcoholic stage yet.....be warned though...a bud light would turn into a few...sooner or later.

if it's just a couple beers a night, then you are ok.

Yes. You are. You're covering up your real problems with a depressant that could make it worse.

My best friend and her sister are corpses because of someone who drank to cover up their stressful job.

Quit before you hurt someone. You don't need to get behind a wheel of a car to ruin someone's life.

yes stop now or ull die from liver failure. this is the truth. alchohol kills 5 times more people than all illegal drugs COMBINED.

Well, if you set strict limits for yourself (say, no more than 2 light beers if you have to work the next day) and actually adhere to them, then I'd say that you don't have a problem. However, if you feel that you can't finish off the day without having a drink, then you might have a problem. If you feel that it's necessary to drink to end your day, then you probably do have a drinking problem.

However, if you don't drink at all on weekends, it seems that you do have some control over your drinking.

Best of luck to you.

yes u r & try to change

If you get drunk, you're an alcoholic. If not, then you're not.

No, it depends how many you have daily, I think it is ok to have about 2 standard drinks daily.

If you can hold your liquor and type all that, then I think you're already immune to intoxication by now

If you're asking, then no, you are not. Alcoholics deny that they drink too much. They will never admit it. Like I said, if you're asking, you're not an alcoholic.

Lmao at bap....soooo true! Cheers to you!!!

technically an alcoholic is someone who drinks excessively, daily and loses control when they do! but if you cant go without a beer or any alcoholic beverage of any sort for even a little while then im sry but you are an alcoholic! and the fact that you posted this question means that your questioning it yourself, so my advice to you; is to seek help b4 it gets worse! i wish you the best of luck!! =]

In my opinion, on what you have told me, No your just winding down, i say, why don't you drink weekends? but it can soon become a problem when you start hitting the hard stuff, like spirits, stella, or super beers ect ect, just try to go without for a week, and see how you feel without it! if you feel you have a problem, go seek advice from your local AA.

When you say you just can't help it, then you're losing control to the beer. On the other hand, in europe, it's considered OK to have a glass of wine every day with dinner. Having a beer to unwind is not necessarily a bad thing, but having a beer because you 'have to have it' is a little different for many reasons. In other words, a beer now and then won't hurt you, but becomming dependant on it could.

Ignore everyone who says you are an alcoholic.

Alcoholics need alcohol to function (which is why alot drink in the morning). My Med-student friend was explaining the physiological side of alcoholism. Basically, alcoholics need alcohol to activate certain chemicals in their brains.

You're drinking light beer - hardly what you'd typically see an alcoholic drinking. I think this is more a way to deal with the stress than anything else!!! You sit down, and have a beer. This is the time of your day when you relax, and enjoy a drink. There is nothing wrong with relaxing and enjoying a beer - still, what you've got to try and do is learn how to relax without the beer, so as not to develop a psychological dependence on it.

Hey Boo, I am sorry that you have so much stress in your life but you are on your way into "hell's kitchen" by becoming an alcoholic. On the other hand, since you realize what you are doing and admitting to it, it's not too late for you to turn back. If you can't do this by yourself, please seek help immediately. Boo, it really isn't too late for you. You have already won half the battle by coming on this site and asking for help. And yes, you can help it. Everything we do and say is by choice. Though saying NO is, in general, much harder than to say YES and doing what you know is wrong means that you can potentially beat this. Trust me, though I have never been in the same situation myself but know of many who have, you are facing some rough times but if you keep doing what you are doing now, life's going to be much harder for you down the road. You can still get out of this. Willpower and faith is all you need. Sure, right now it may seem very hard to get out of this cicle you've gotten caught up in but don't give up now, Boo. I am proud of you for asking for help. This is really the best way to get away from it. You say, you get in front of the computer and crack open a beer, but is it just the one beer? Does it really stop after one? Be honest with yourself. You seem very young still and have your entire life in front of you, heck even if you take this as a first step and follow through with the rest, you'll be rid of the alcohol before you know it. You'll see that half of your stress will probably disappear too as I am sure that knowing you are on the best way to ruin your life puts enough stress in you. Again, I am proud of you for having the "guts" for sharing your story and asking for help. Aldoholism is one of the worse diseases but unlike medical diseases, they can be beat. You are already on your way. If you have a trusted person around, please confide in them and go for help immediately, before it's too late. If you have nobody to talk to, never hesitate to come fine me on here I'll do my best to advise you and help you through it. Don't be ashamed, we are all human and all make mistakes, one way or another. Take good care of yourself, try to eliminate some of the stess in your life and be on your way to a much better and productive life. God Bless! MsB.

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