Fast ways to feel better....Hangover?!
I threw up about 5 times last night even woke up throw up. I drank alot of water threw the night also. But still keep feelling dizzy and kinda want to throw up again. It was so stupid, we weren't even planning on drinking last night but we went out came home and a few ppl dropped by err!
What can I do to feel better before work? Im not gonna call off becuase Im hung over.
Answers: I drank way to much last night...on an empty belly!
I threw up about 5 times last night even woke up throw up. I drank alot of water threw the night also. But still keep feelling dizzy and kinda want to throw up again. It was so stupid, we weren't even planning on drinking last night but we went out came home and a few ppl dropped by err!
What can I do to feel better before work? Im not gonna call off becuase Im hung over.
I feel for you, I only had about 5 beers last night but that was about 3 too many and I'm a bit dehydrated myself. I would recommend to chug water throughout the day to hydrate yourself and put some greasy food in your stomach. A lot of people think that gatorade is the best thing to drink but be careful cuz every time I drink gatorade when I'm hungover I puke it back up in like 30 seconds. If you can get a quick nap in on your lunch break that would probably make you feel better also.
Good luck and just keep thinking about how when you get home tonight you can lay down and recuperate!
take two aspirin, drink a bunch of water/gatorade, take a multivitamin, and eat some toaste with eggs nothing acidic as your tummy is going nuts right now you need to neutralize it! good luck!
take aspirin or tylenol before u goto sleep or another thing is dont drink water it doesnt help a promise lol a beer has alot of water in it so u drink water it just helps spread the liquor out in your system drink something like orange juice milk is a bad idea 2 not to good when it comes bak up
Perhaps it's time to grow up and stop drinking till you puke.
i say drink v8 juice, if you dont have to drive or have a really demanding job athe ideal drink would be a bloody mary! and some tyelnol
Vitamine B!! You need to get it in your system as soon as you can... specifically B-12.. its what they give to people that go to the ER for to high BAC levels. Also, eggs... my doc said there is something in them that helps the body with the alcohol. I would probably eat some toast too... just for absorbtion. And obviously asprin.. but NOT tylenol... not good for you for this... take Motrin or Aleve. If you start to feel better maybe have a Red Bull.. it will give you a little more energy and its got vitaine B-12 in it. GOOD LUCK!!!
You can take Alka selzer, then eat a chili dog and a seven-up or sprite. That was my hangover remedy when I worked on Bourbon Street. Had to take it every Saturday when I worked at noon after being out all night shooting kamikaze shots Friday night. Underburgh is a good remedy but that is to be taken during your drinking to help for the next day. I also suggest next time trying to take aspirin before you go to bed.
If stomach is too upset for the alka selzer, seven-up, or chili dog just try drinking lots of water to rehydrate yourself. Good luck! Been there done that. :>)
Drink a few cans it always cures my hangovers
Eat something, take a shower and drink lots of soda water!!
<hope you has fun =)
Water and greasy, fried foods like hash browns or french fries or a really juicy burger usually helps.
The hangover is dehydration from the alcohol and your blood vessels are need lots of fluids
drink a beer
Eating a baked potato with no butter (sour cream is OK) always helps me feel better...especially if I have a stomache ache. I feel like the potato absorbs the stomach acid or something. Also, if you normally drink coffee, have some hot tea instead. You have to drink twice as much to get the caffein, but it's a lot easier on the belly.
Bacon Cheeseburger, Fries, and a Coke. Then a nap, then a bloody mary
Very cold shower over the head. That'll get you a good 30 mins-hour of feeling good while you hydrate. Splash some cold water on your face when you need a pick me up. Downing a bunch of caffeine really quick will give you a few hours, but then you're just delaying the inevitable. Vitamin B is something you should stock up on.
Ibuprofen and Sex!
drink some tomato juice, something in it is suppose to make you feel better. or have some rivive vitamin water it always works for me and it even says on the bottle its good for after a night out.
I know this sounds bad, but listen we all learned this in basic must fight your way through the greasiest food item you can possibly stomach, alcohol is fat soluble so the common misconception is that starches absorb, which is not true.............keep drinking knuckles up baby