3 pence a bottle on stong cider, That'll stop the binge drinking in our children.?!
Answers: With the proceeds going towards child poverty, will they get more than 3p so that even the poor kids will be able to afford to drink. Has this got anything to do with our countrys drink problem. How is it going to help? Thoughts please.
Not a cat in hells chance,the binge drinking idiots are not the target here, it is the ordinary, moderate drinker that is being targeted !
I thought 3p increase on cider was a bit low, especially with 55p increase on spirits. Maybe Strongbow are bribing the government.
no i dont think itll help at all
im 16 i love to drink, but i prefer to spend a bit more and get somethin decent so 3p wnt really have ny effect at all
Our government is a joke i'm moving abroad I give up...
When are people going to stop being surprised that the lying, cheating fuckwitts they vote for in "pin the suit on a monkey" elections turn out to be lying, cheating fuckwitts and take responsibility for the genetic slop that splodges out of their over-active loins?
People who drink cider are poor. People who drink spirits are rich. Taxation is all about profit from a supply and demand market. Too much tax on cider will mean people start drinking meths sooner than they otherwise would.
Teenagers who binge drink do so because that is what appears to be an appropriate course of action within their own social environment. A sober parent with a functioning brain cell or two might be able to divert said offspring onto a more properous pathway.
Ah, for proper binge drinking you've got to buy lots of bottles of cider. So many (manymany) times 3p may work out expensive in the end.
Maybe cider will start arriving in very small bottles?
It's just more tax, don't kid yourself.
At least british apples get used to make cider, not just foreign grain for lager.
It wont stop binge drinking at all, if you look round the floor long enough you will find 3 pence. Putting the price up only angers people and damages business's teenagers drink because they are bored, I think its parents that need educating so they can pass it on to there kids. But before I settled down with a house and husband etc I would work all week then go out with friends on a Saturday night and get drunk every week, which is now classed as binge drinking its just something I grew out of, I would have still gone no matter what it cost.
The rise in alcohol is a joke, it should have gone considerably more. The Supermarkets will absrob this rise, we will looking at a Nation of "P**s heads. Raise the drinking age to 21yrs. and very strict fines (V.High).
It's a joke.
Just another TAX for the men in suits to take the pith.
There is only 1 thing that will stop binge drinking and that is to make supermarkets charge a realistic price for alcohol, I know some sensible people will miss out but this is a small price to pay for trying to stop thuggery on the streets
The government ought to raise the drink allowance up to the age of 25 this might help the countries that have drunkards, we have far to many and they are embarrassing us good drinkers.
its not going to help
a few pence increase is not going to stop children drinking
and the tax increase on other alcoholic drinks is unfair on responsible drinkers, just a way for the government to get more money